Vassith Material in The Discontinuum | World Anvil


Vassith is a type of cloth woven from the stem threads of a species of grass called Celovass which is native to Punjuki. It is manufactured on a large scale in the southern districts of the city of Katrapetch and used there as the basis of an extensive garment industry.  
Vassith Fresh Weave by DMFW with Midjourney


Material Characteristics

Vassith is a tough but light fabric, with a natural green colouration which it inherits from the fibrous stems of the Celovass plant from which it is woven. There are two main types which are used in the clothing industry in Katrapetch. Fresh weave has a more vibrant colour and is less heavily treated than cured weave, retaining the waxy waterproof qualities of the original plant. Cured weave is processed with heat and a mild acid to produce a harder wearing and more versatile cloth that can be more easily dyed.
Related Locations
Related Species

Cover image: Vassith Cured Weave by DMFW with Midjourney


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