Celovass Species in The Discontinuum | World Anvil


Celovass is a species of fibrous grass which is native to the continent of Punjuki and is cultivated in large fields that occupy land to the south of the Jold river, close to the city of Katrapetch.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Celovass needs a warm and wet climate to allow for rapid growth and a high grain yield. In the wild it is an early coloniser of newly opened forest spaces after fires or the fall of large trees have opened clearings. It would usually be crowded out of the understory of forests by sturdier shrubs and trees within two or three years, but in the cultivated fields south of the Jold river, other growths are cut back to allow it to flourish.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Celovass has two important uses as a crop plant. The seed heads can eaten raw or ground to produce a fine brown flour which serves as an important food stock.   The plant stems can be seperated into individual fibres known as stem threads, which may be recombined and woven together to create the fabric Vassith, a cloth made in Katrapetch which is the foundation of the city's garment industry.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Celovass can be found growing wild throughout most of northern Punjuki and has been found in parts of southern Myruthea but it has never spread very far north of the equator. It is most frequently associated with the extensive cultivated fields to the south of the Jold river which are harvested to support the food and material needs of the city of Katrapetch.
2 years
Average Height
1.5 to 2 metres when ready for harvest
Geographic Distribution
Related Materials

Cover image: 1100 by DMFW with Midjourney


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