Far-flung Curios and Pets Monger Profession in The Delta Space | World Anvil

Far-flung Curios and Pets Monger

A Varied and Odd Lot

The job description of a typical Far-flung Curios and Pet Monger does not denote a person of moral values, and unfortunately, this is often the truth. They collect curios, oddities, and artifacts of lost cultures, as well as often dealing in the capturing and trade of exotic animals, most of which is illegal or at the very least, immoral. Most traders of this persuasion are tantamount to big game and artifact hunters, people who are not overly concerned with the repercussions of their actions or how they affect the animals they capture or the people they often steal from. Some of the most egregious of these lots have even been the cause of increased aggressive tensions between Territorial Governances.    As was the case when a trader illegally trespassed into an animal sanctuary in the Lupine Democratic Monarchy's territory and abducted an endangered breed of wolf from its enclosure. Absconding with the animal and selling it to a private collector who resided within the Imperial Council of Planets. Unfortunately, this sparked tensions between the two Territorial Governances, both of which generally do not like one another under normal circumstances and often come to blows and skirmishes between their border.   To further make matters worse, the private collector refused to give up the animal when requested by officials of the Lupine Monarchy. Stating that the squabbles of nations weren't his problem and that he had made a 'legitimate' deal with an 'honest' trader and that how the wolf was attained was none of his concern. An answer which did not make the situation easier, and would eventually end when the private collector met an unfortunate end during a 'random' break-in. An event that is commonly accepted to have been arranged by the Lupine government. Meanwhile, the Far-flung Curios and Pet Monger was long gone, immediately removing themselves from the situation. Having pocketed his fee and moving on to his next job.    There are, however, a few among these traders that wish to go about their business with a stronger moral compass. And these few individuals are often hired by political figures and animal/human rights services to retrieve lost and/or stolen items and abducted animals from various private collectors. And while these practitioners also deal in frequently illegal activities their goals are often for the purpose of saving endangered species from harm, or for the retrieval of culturally significant items.  

(In)Famous Clientele

  Often times the sort of individual that is seeking out a rare item, or an endangered or strange creature for their collection is not doing so for selfless reasons. And much like the varied lot that encompasses the Far-flung Curios and Pet Monger themselves, their clientele often wants these items for unscrupulous or selfish purposes. Much of the time, it is simply for a show of status, a powerful individual whose collection showcases exactly how rich and influential they are. Other times it is a businessman or corporation looking to curry favour with another corporate partner or sponsor by gifting them a rare item or bizarre pet as a living incentive.   It is unfortunately quite rare for a client to be an upright citizen of high moral standing, but much like those that work in this profession, it is not completely unheard of. Some clients request the retrieval of various items of cultural importance or the rescue of various endangered animals from dangerous areas or situations for preservation purposes.    One of these rare circumstances occurred when two rival traders were hired to retrieve an important Ka'yar artifact, one trader was asked to retrieve the item by a preservation group looking to protect items of cultural value while the Ka’yar Civil War continued. While the other was tasked with retrieving the item for a private auction sale reserved for the obscenely wealthy.   The latter gained the item first, retrieving it from a collapsed temple on a planet near the war-torn borders between the Ka'yar Colonial Governance and the Representative Democracy of Liberation. However, during their escape from the area, the second trader ambushed them and managed to board their ship subdue them and abscond themselves with the artifact. Later successfully delivering it to the preservation group that had hired them.
A Bizarre Job Description
The Far-flung Curios and Pets Monger is a rare vocation for professional merchants and traders that have the desire to wander and seek out dangerous quarries than the average person. Only the most motivated of traders and merchants seek this sub section of trade work, as they must take on both the responsibilities of selling and finding their own wares for sale. Though the major difference between them and the normal traders lot is that these adventuring merchants specialize in the retrieval and sale of odd curious and rare animals.   The Far-flung Curios and Pets Monger roam the Delta Space in search of strange objects, artifacts, and unique and endangered creatures for sale to any of those who will pay for them. This profession is highly contentious and controversial, and many people view them, understandably so, as shysters who steal rare artifacts and abduct unknown creatures to auction off to the rich and infamous. Often times these actions are illegal and involve stealing rare artifacts and abducting unsuspecting animals from their home planets in the far reaches of the Delta Space.   And while there are upstanding individuals who collect and trade in curious and oddities ethically, often completely avoiding the pets market entirely, it is far more common that these oddities salesmen run the entire unethical gambit of sales and trade of anything strange and bizarre they can get their mitts on.
A private collectors gallery, primarily purchased and attained by Far-flung Curios and and Pets Mongers


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