Luminaria Darkthorn Character in The Crucible of Creation | World Anvil
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Luminaria Darkthorn

Luminaria is a daughter and the 13th child born to Arcadia and Cassius.  Luminaria is the first child of Arcadia's and Cassius' to exhibit a merging of their hair genes, with a beautiful and lustrous shade of pink.  

Born into Hardship

Luminaria was born with an intense weakness that was diagnosed by Shane to be magical in nature, likely a curse unconsciously placed through Realmspace by the weakened Ao and targeting Cassius, Arcadia, and their offspring.  Though Ao as a diety was unable to perform such a thing immediately, his power as an overgod of Realmspace was theorized to have have infected the very environment that the couple inhabited, and with each offspring they sired, their children became ever more susceptible to its effects.  To protect their child until she could mature to be strong enough to fight the effects of the weakness on her own, Cassius convinced his wife to surrender Luminaria into the care of her grandfather, Shane Darkthorn.  Together, Shane and Cassius crafted a pocket dimension that allowed Shane to slow the effects of the weakness and allow Shane to administer a special formulation of magical medicine created by his sister 'Allison' to enable Luminaria's growth to counteract Ao's effects.  

Blessed with Gifts

Luminaria is an incredibly accomplished Artificer who has inherited her fathers' talent for crafting automatons that have a will (and thus a soul) of their own.  However, most of these have become her own personal friends and armies, keeping her company and protecting her research within her workshop.  A loner and a shut-in, Luminaria's time in the pocket dimension with little interaction outside of her Grandfather Shane or Aunt Allison have atrophied her social skills.   [ADD MORE DETAILS HERE]  

Family Tree


Character Portrait image: Engineer by Hayun Lee / LEEKO


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