Liliana Character in The Crucible of Creation | World Anvil
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Liliana is the '2nd eldest' of the 'sisters' . Though younger than Lilliam, she is no less capable in terms of her skills and knowledge. Liliana's mannerisms are far more humanistic in nature, which her creators attribute to her being a 'beta' build model, but don't let her fool you. Liliana's calm and demure demeanor also assist in her capacity as a Combat Maid, allowing her to slip past the common social barriers erected by those she interacts with to get to the heart of matters she is investigating and observing.

Calm and approachable, she is known among her sister's as the 'Peacekeeper'. Liliana focuses her skills more heavily on interacting with others as well as other sentient beings, and still manages to complete her tasks with considerable reliability and deftness, though the exceptional results that her elder sister returns with often results in a perceived gap in her own self-assessment of capability. Despite this self-perceived weakness, the other Lilim units all recognize that she alone is the only one of them that has been built with beauty and charisma that approaches the model of inspiration that they all know is Arcadia, and so she is also one of the very few Lilim units who has access to magic, a point of jealousy among the others.

Liliana is fourth in the ships chain of command, with assigned key duties as its Surgeon and Diplomatic Secretary.  She's also the combat maid that has the most training in cooking and has a natural connection to magic that enables her to pilot via the Spelljamming Helm.

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Character Portrait image: 《清扫完成了~》诺艾尔 Noelle by 晰帅Sama


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