Liliam Character in The Crucible of Creation | World Anvil
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The oldest, most senior, most knowledgeable, and most independent of the crew and officers aboard the 'Eve'. However, this has also resulted in her being the most robotic in her mannerisms due to the early research Cassius and Savarti performed in her initial construction, creation, and birth. Due to her age and experience, Liliam has trained in a wide range of skills and expertises, but cannot shake her 'Alpha' build qualities and difficulties in interacting or interpreting others, opting instead to gather and infer meaning from direct evidence.  It comes as no surprise then that her name matches the same model designation for the mass produced 'Lilim' units provided to Savarti as part of the joint research venture he shared with Cassius.

Liliam maintains a strict and harsh outward demeanor, but cares for her sisters more than she would ever admit. She displays her affection in ways that are silent, subtle, and often require a trained eye to spot and become aware of. She plays her role as the big sister and role model for the other 'Lilim' models with pride.

Liliam is assigned as the ships Boatswain/Bosun and Gunnery Chief and is considered to be third in the ships chain of command.

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Character Portrait image: Base Team Image by Level Infinite


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