The Church of Erev
The Church of Erev is a monotheistic faith found in Gorel and beyond. It is popular in the area around the Henderent Plains
The Erevites are headed by the Tevin Cardinal who is appointed by the Conclave Sacredit on the death or retiring of the previous Tevin. The various priestly orders have a number of representatives that are part of the Conclave. Over time that representation has varied. Currently the representatives number 293.
Priestly Orders
Order of Scriptorum
This order was founded by Mattew Littlehand and actively seeks to archive and catalog any and all information they can. They maintain the church archives and secular educational institutions. They provide teachers to rural areas as well as provide notary and scribing services to organizations far and wide.Order of Hospitaliers
This order was founded by Delvin the Hopeful. Members of this order staff and run hospitals and clinics, and provide healing where they can. Their monasteries often house large gardens and animal farms to help provide medications and treatments.Order of Greenwardens
This order of guardians of the crops and natural order was founded by Styren the Silent. They work to predict and manage the weather best they can to prevent drought and crop failure. They also work in the wild areas of the world to preserve balance and eliminate corruptions of the undead and unholy energies.Order of Thundalens
This is the order of diviners and makers. The odd collection of moon eyed sages and practical forgers is perhaps one of the most eclectic priestly orders. Founded by Omen the Scorched, this order is centered at The Aspirant's Cave.Order of Tiviliers
The order Tiviliers are newer to the world and the smallest order of priests. They focus on innovation and encouraging the arts. Patrons of inventors and playwrites alike. They run the Lofts district in Soramizu and are involved in the maintenance of the portals there.Order of Venerators
Venerators are the protectors and defenders of the people. They act to preserve law and order and seek to prevent future wars. Besides warriors they provide legal council and barristers to the downtrodden and poor.Divine Origins
It is old enough that the origins are shrouded in mystery, but most believe it originated in another realm and was brought here by pilgrims that have remained devout in the faith.
Tenets of Faith
By following Erev you may atone for your sins, and he will bless you to actually be capable of change. Without the faith you will be unable to escape the destiny determined by the world.
Daily prayers, charitable offerings, helping those in the community are all primary methods of worship. There are also regular gatherings, though the implementation varies by chapel, location, and local culture.