The Aspirant's Cave
Purpose / Function
It is used as the holy site for the initiation ritual for priests, monks and paladins of the order of Thundalens. It is composed of an outer shrine with two wings added to that building and an inner cave of crystals. The inner cave is left mostly natural with just a small set of mats, urns, and an alter. In this space, the aspirants who desire admittance to the church's ranks must spend a three night vigil in complete darkness not speak. The changes in air pressure throughout the day send winds through cave creating eerie but hauntingly beautiful sounds as the crystals resonate.
The outer shrine is worked grey marble with two pillars of jade at the entrance. The floor is tiled with alternating shades of gray marble, with the central dome being painted to display a lightning storm. Statues of various heroes and saints line the outer walls of the main chamber. It has a monastery wing to the south made out of basalt, and the administrative wing to the north made out of a concrete resin mix with granite paneling. All of the associated wings use a combination of pillar and lintels with relief carved facing stone.
Originally a natural cave ending in a large selenite crystal cave, with pillars two meters in diameter and a dozen meters long. It was a common place for pilgrimages of various faiths for a long time. It was converted into a holy shrine to Erev almost 270 years ago, by Saint Omen of the Order of Thundalens.
Alternative Names
Cave of Thunder, Vigil's Answer
Room, Natural, Cavern
Parent Location
The altar has a special property in that it can grant a petitioner foresight once a month. Any worshiper or Erev may also spend an hour in the cave and receive the benefits of one of the following spells; Detect Magic, Augury, Locate Object or See invisibility. They cannot receive this boon more than once a month. It must be installed in a consecrated temple to perform these functions.