Magzana Sylvaranth Character in The Cradle of Worlds | World Anvil

Magzana Sylvaranth

Champion of the Rings, Ranger of the Deep

Magzana has had a long life and is regarded by her people as a hero. She doesn't see herself that way. Having returned from the Winding halls of the mad mage with the Rings of Eternity, with rescued slaves she was regarded as a great figure. Though she really couldn't stand the praise of those who knew not her trauma or could not understand it. So she left her elvish homeland and traveled elsewhere where her fame was less noticeable and her quirks discounted a bit more.   Living now in Soramizu she works with the local organization of Druids to help maintain balance and the land. While she is wary of the organizations beginnings as almost a set of glorified park rangers for draconic hunting safaris. Her current goals are to reestablish the plains as safe for travel and to clean up the area around the Spindle Mortum. She is always interested in finding those that can help and she doesn't mind that this project may take a few hundred years.

Mental characteristics


Self employed with a decent amount of leftover adventuring funds. She works as a renown fletcher of magical arrows and expertly crafted bows, crossbows and arbalests.

Personality Characteristics


To keep from falling back into bad habbits. She will try anything even if it is a long shot to keep herself ok and her friends.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She hopes she has beaten her gambling addiction but fears she will fall back into it. That and her addiction to the Vertin Dust she developed in Ver'Del as slave still haunts her.


Religious Views

Agnostic though she would like the certainty of belief.
Current Location
Dark Brown
Long dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned Olive tone skin

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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