Loremasters of the Omoikane Organization in The Cradle of Worlds | World Anvil

Loremasters of the Omoikane

The Loremasters of the Omoikane are a hybrid organization that deals in research, archaeology, archiving, spying and special forces work. It consists of soldiers, scientists, wizards, skalds, adventurers, and spies.


The general operations are under various branches with a branch master. These include; The Vaunted Archives, The Sized Scriptorium, The Watch, The Wave, The Winged Watchers, and The Amber Healers.   Specials ops are formed into sub organizations called Roots. These include; The Hidden Vaults, The Umbral Register, The Eye and Hand, The Deep Currents, and The Starlit Leaves.

Public Agenda

The serve as the bureaucracy, military, and church of the Land of the Great Tree.
Military, Special Operations Force
Parent Organization

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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