The Archipelago of Arabozatzo Geographic Location in The Continent of Wordal | World Anvil
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The Archipelago of Arabozatzo

"The islands of Arabozatzo are dangerous and hostile. Many heroes and kings have tried to conquer them, but most never return. It is a place of foreign people and gigantic monsters. The dense jungles leave visitors struggling to find their way, while evil creatures, accustomed to the islands habitat, can pick them off one by one.   The Archipelago of Arabozatzo has long attracted the attention of Elmaran kings, though none have been able to succesfully conquer it. It is home to a strange people - half dragon, some say. These people are not keen on visitors and have boobytrapped their home to weaken anyone who would try to invade. Many expeditions have been sent to these islands, with the goal to subjugate or overwhelm its inhabitants, but without success.   It is not just the islands that prove a threat. In these warm waters live terrible creatures, capable of sinking a ship without warning. Captains would sail around the archipelago, if it wasn't for Olanya's Maw, where giant pits consume the ocean and everything and everyone unfortunate enough to be sucked into them. Every sailor fears those pits and unknown depths within them. Only the bravest captain and a fearless crew would dare come near it."   D. Harewood, Fendalian Cartographer
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