Human Species in The Coin | World Anvil
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Humans are the dominant sentient race of Thamrysis, and across the whole of the Coin appear to be the most numerous of all the species of sentient humanoid beings known.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The dominant cultures of humans inhabiting the continent of Thamrysis include Wyneil, Oneran, Hyli, and Haisan.


It is unclear by which means humans came into being across the Coin, just as it is unclear from where they all originally appeared. What is collectively accepted is that humans have some common point of origin in time and geography in prehistory, then spread across the planet at some point in the Ancient Era when the world was still cold and distances could be crossed on foot.   Scholars believe that a massive event, commonly referred to as "The Great Catastrophe," radically altered the physical state of the world at some point at the end of the Ancient era, causing land bridges to shatter, bodies of ice to melt, and for the general configuration of the landforms of the Coin to change.

The Origin of Humans

The Continent of Teu

  In the Ancient Era, it's said many humans inhabited a continent known as Teu, and the collective of human cultures and tribes there were known as "The Hundred Kings," though that title is one created by modern scholars, as these Ancient humans appear to have no written language and only the barest of technological innovations.   The kingdoms of The Hundred Kings of Men stretched across the continent of Teu, which was connected to Thamrysis via either an ice or land bridge.   The Great Catastrophe caused the continent of Teu to become unstable and uninhabitable. Over time, many tribes of men migrated to the continent of Thamrysis and other continents, but they were inhospitable and difficult to cross, and many of the primordial cultures of man appear to have been lost in this catastrophe. The surviving men of Teu crossed the landbridges to Thamrysis and Soram in massive droves before the collapse of the continent into nothing. Over time, the tribes of The Hundred Kings spread and populated much of the continent. It's believed that all humans "native" to Thamrysis (only the Daiduna of the continent are truly native) come from a Teunic origin, but the centuries of separation and parallel development created many of the languages, cultures, and societies found on Thamrysis today. Scholars believe that the first men to cross to Thamrysis during the Catastrophe were the tribes that would be collectively known as the Sarka, and that the last men to leave Teu were the ancestors of the Furigar.  

The Land of Nadu

Similar to the Continent of Teu, Nadu is a mythohistorical lost continent reported to be located off the western shores of Soram. Nadu is depicted as an landmass isolated from Soram, and scholars believe it was a utopian society insulated from external influences. Azani sages believe the people of Nadu migrated to other lands when the Great Catastrophe swallowed Nadu into the sea, and that they settled across Soram. Unlike the legendary Teu, proponents of the Nadu concept believe that there were already humans who had settled and migrated to Soram in the Ancient Era, and that the people of Nadu mixed with these other groups, leading to the formation new languages and civilizations.   Some sages theorize that the whole of humanity may be originally descended from the inhabitants of Nadu - the belief being that the people of Nadu was interconnected to many of the great landmasses of the Coin in the Ancient Era, and that common ancestral heritage of all humanity begins with Nadu. Others believe that the Nadu were seafaring before even the time of the Great Catastrophe, and that they spread around the world, encountering other primordial men and intermingling with them. Both narratives agree on the point that Nadu is the origin of all civilized culture in Soram, and Azani is the mother language of all other languages on the continent of Soram. Some scholars also believe that the Azani people of Soram are the most direct descendent of the Nadu, though there is no way to prove such a theory.  

The Kingdom of Zibala

Another mythic human prehistorial society is the Kingdom of Zibala, a lost civilization supposedly located somewhere within the highest peaks of the Himarlan continent. In the common narrative, the first settlement in the entire world is Zibala, and its ruler was known only as "Amit." Amit is described as being the wisest of all the people of Zibala, many of whom worshiped the Sun as a deity. While it is unknown what the ancient religious practices of Zibala supposedly were (though Himarlan theosophists often point to the various forms and permutations of the Setra belief as proof of its most ancient origin), the story goes on to say that Amit expelled thousands of people from the domain of Zibala for clinging to solar worship as an "imperfect" belief. Outside the Kingdom of Zibala, these expelled thousands settled across the Himarlan continent, some even supposedly settling as far as Soram.   The legend continues with several more exponential waves of exodites from Zibala, each by Amit and each for a refusal to cease a religious practice. Ancestor worship, animism, and other religious beliefs were each in turn expelled from Zibala for their practices being "imperfect." Each wave settled, comingled, and formed new cultures and languages until there were no more exodus. Some scholars believe that Amit inhabited or still inhabits Zibala alone in isolation as the fabled Genlasetra, while others believe that the ancient kingdom still exists, ruled by powerful priests of some unknown (but ostensibly the only true) philosophy or religion. Some others point to the Disappearing of Old Himarla as proof that an attempt to locate or breach Zibala will come only to ruin. Across Himarla, the many peoples and cultures there share common and similar myths of an ancient and lost civilization ruled by a single ruler, though variations appear in multitudes.  


Unique to the myths of the Wode is the concept of a great supercontinent known only as "Oa," the Wode word for "west." In the tales told by the Lodge of the Candle, Wode themselves originate from a large body of land that was home to many kingdoms of beasts, titans, and demigods, all of which were systematically conquered by the primordial Wode. This fabled land is often described as being utterly destroyed in the many battles that took place there, razed to a cinder, blasted by volcanic activity and storms, or otherwise made completely uninhabitable. There is little more detail to this potentially mythic place, though some scholars estimate the size of the Himarlan continent to be thrice that of Thamrysis or more and perhaps the factual origin of this story.
Related Ethnicities


Ability Score Increase Variable
Size Medium
Speed 30 ft

Instead of using the base human traits from Player’s handbook, players may choose a human cultural variant and use the traits that come with that instead.    


The dominant human culture of Thamrysis, the main empire that once united many disparate kingdoms during the Garden Period under Emperor Dayne the First. Mercantile and industrious, Wyneil are widespread and the influence of their culture can be felt throughout Thamrysis.   +1 to two ability scores. Proficiency with spears, tridents, nets, vehicles (water), OR two tools from the following list: carpenter, cartographer, navigator, weaver, woodcutter. You receive a free feat at level 1. You speak Common (Wyneil) and one additional language.  


In northern moors and mounts live the Hyli, a militant people with a history of conflict , both externally and internally. Be it the Highlands, Lowlands or Shieldmarch, the Hyli people have known more conflict and violence than any other human culture. In eons past, some Hyli even served at the call of Dragons, and were expected to bring other cultures to heel. Today, the Hyli maintain a military tradition and most citizens have at least a basic understanding of combat.   +1 Strength, +2 Constitution, +1 Intelligence; You gain proficiency with any two weapons, and either light armor or shields. You also gain proficiency with Athletics or History checks. If your class grants you proficiency with all weapons, light armor, and shields, you instead gain a +1 bonus to either your Dexterity or Wisdom scores (your choice) in place of the weapon and armor proficiencies granted by this racial feature. You speak Common and Hyli.  


Once the largest empire on the continent, the kingdom of Onera has suffered catastrophe after cataclysm, leaving the northern empire scattered and broken. Called “The Haunted Land” by outsiders, Onerans have dealt with cruel tyrants, rogue wizards, undead plagues and other terrible misfortunes others may only experience through myths.   +2 Intelligence, +1 Dexterity, +1 Charisma scores each increase by 1. You have proficiency in the Insight and Persuasion skills. Additionally, you gain a +5 bonus to your passive Wisdom (Insight) and passive Intelligence (Investigation) scores. You speak Common and Oneran.  


Rulers of Sunhollow, the Haisan are a religious and pious people who have cultivated a rich culture of literature, music, and education. Historians, poets, bureaucrats, priests and hedonists all find a home in the Empire of the Sun. Once a theocracy, the modern Haisan kingdom is metropolitan society steeped in tradition but embracing the possibilities of the future.   +2 Wisdom, +1 Intelligence, +1 Charisma; You also gain proficiency with Religion checks, and either Intimidate or Persuasion checks. You speak Common and two additional languages.    


The Sarka are the People of the most northeastern lands bordering Onera. The Sarka are a wide ranging tribal people with a shamanistic religious culture based on a high reverence for nature. Many Sarka have integrated into Oneran culture, especially as many of their ancestral lands were colonized and conquered by the Onerans under the rule of Oneranus I. Sarka revere the native animals of the region, specifically the wolf, bear, rat, tiger, boar and bat, and the largest tribal groups associate their identities with one of these animals.   +1 Strength, +2 Constitution, +1 Wisdom; You gain advantage on saves against poison and disease. You also gain proficiency with Nature and Survival checks. You speak Common and Oneran.  


Itinerant travelers, the Despa are the descendants of slaves brought over in the Latizan Invasion centuries ago. Placing a high value on freedom and extended family, Despa also value the beauty of music, art, and poetry highly. Primarily travelling the southern lands of the continents, Despa wagons can be found anywhere there is open land to inhabit, game and fresh air.   +2 Constitution, +1 Dexterity, +1 Charisma; your base walking speed is 35 ft. and you gain advantage on Constitution saves involving forced marches. You also gain proficiency with Nature and Stealth checks. You speak Common and Sudani.  


Raiders and sailors, the Furigar dwell along the far northern coasts and scattered islands of the northwestern sea, scratching out an existence in the tundra and taiga where weaker men freeze and die. Boisterous, bold and fearless, the Furigar take what they need to survive and leave the bone picked clean.   +2 Strength, +1 Constitution, +1 Wisdom; you gain advantage on saves against cold, and are considered naturally adapted to cold environments; you also gain proficiency with Athletics and Survival checks. You speak Common and Hyli.  


Explorers and merchants, scholars and pirates, the Sudani are from the lands of the Burning Shores south of Thamrysis, but can be also found in great numbers in the free cities of the Silver Strand.   +2 Constitution, +1 Intelligence, +1 Wisdom; you gain advantage on saves against fire, and are considered naturally adapted to hot environments; you also gain proficiency with Nature and Survival checks. You speak Common and Sudani.  


Hailing from across the eastern sea, Himarlans are the least populous ethnic group in Thamrysis, worshiping strange idols and practicing arts of combat unseen in the continent before. They are most numerous in the Silver Strand, but many have settled in Sunhollow where the pursuit of knowledge defeats ethnic barriers. Himarla is a land of magic and mystery across the sea, and even the common Himarlan knows a little magic they’ve picked up along the way.   +1 Intelligence, +1 Wisdom, +1 Charisma; You know one cantrip of your choice from the Wizard spell list; Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for that cantrip OR You know one cantrip from the Cleric spell list; Wisdom is your spellcasting ability. You may increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by an additional +1 at character generation. You speak Common and Himarlan.

Languages. Varies, see below:


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