Wode in The Coin | World Anvil
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Wode (sometimes referred to as "Wodemen") are the people of west, travelers who came to the continent centuries ago and settled the rugged and inhospitable lands once called the Western Badlands but now known as Wodeland.  

Physical Description

Wode are often six to seven feet tall, with skin that ranges from coppery to ruddy red. Wode generally have hair colors that range from blond to brown-red and black. Wode are culturally fond of tattooing and have no cultural taboos against tattooing the face, though traditional Wode tattooing is primarily aesthetic and not symbolic. Many Wode over the age of 13 shave the sides of their head and leave the hair on top long, often in a top knot.  


Wode belong to one of three major tribal lines, each of which believes it is descended from giants of a distant continent to the west; The Heragot, the Mitigot, and the Hisingot. Within these tribes are the familial clans, and tribes are further divided into Lodges. Lodges are smaller societies which fulfill major social functions. During the Wode coming-of-age ritual, elders determine the lodge of the entrants. Lodges include the Lodge of the Plow, the Lodge of the Axe, and the Lodge of the Hammer, among many others.   At the top of society are the three lodges that require a special rite to be completed to join; the Lodge of the Rod, The Lodge of the Sword, and the Lodge of the Candle. The Lodge of the Rod is made up of representatives of the various tribes who rule the tribal confederacy from Graheragotia, settling disputes and helping direct what is best for the individual tribes. Some leave Wodeland to explore and further Wode interest, and become merchants as well as leaders. The Lodge of the Sword makes up the highest rank of martial warriors, and the Lodge of the Candle is made up of those who display an aptitude for learning, the arts, and magic.   Most members of the tribes are not permitted to leave Wodeland without special allowance from tribe elders. The Rod, Candle and Sword have no such limitation. Wode found outside of Wodeland are often from these lodges, or are exiles forced to leave for some crime or breaking of some other taboo. These Lodgeless are rarely allowed to re-enter society. Those that commit lesser, minor crimes lose their right to swear oaths, and their right to bear witness, often for a period of years.   A major concept within the Wode culture is that of "Doem," a collection of taboos and concepts that govern the expected social behavior within Wode society.


Wode worship a diverse pantheon of primordial deities assembled as a sort of "family tree," and acknowledge the many spirits they believe in as children of this family.   All members of the Lodge of the Candle have an education in the rites and rituals governing worship of the primordial deities. The Wode do not follow The Litany of the Octan as a religious text, instead maintaining their own rites, primarily centered around the phases of the moon, equinoxes, solstices, and the mortal life cycle.   Rather than use temples, it is common for sites displaying prominent natural features to be used as places of worship. It is also common to worship in sacred woods and groves and cairns. Groves and other sites will often contain a Mikilstaf, a sacral pillar-like object with four branches at the top that point the cardinal directions. At auspicious times of the year, effigies of the gods are hung about these branches to symbolize their presence and activities during the ritual or celebration.
Ability Score Increase: Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1.   Age: Wode reach adulthood in their mid teens and live less than a century.   Size: Wode range from 6 to 7 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.   Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Rough Living: Moving through nonmagical difficult terrain costs you no extra movement and you may move through nonmagical plants without being slowed by them and without taking damage from thorns, spines, or similar hazards. In addition, climbing does not cost you extra movement. You also gain proficiency with either Athletics or Survival checks.   Relentless Endurance: When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a Long Rest.   Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Wode. Wode is a form of the language of Giants, and can be used interchangeably as a sort of dialect. The written form of Wode uses the Dweurva runes.

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