Sage War Military Conflict in The Chronicles | World Anvil

Sage War

The power of magic seen at its most terrible

How could have this happen to us, we thought ourselves the wisest and pure of the world to give wisdom and bring peace to the world, but it seems our way of thinking made us descend to a path darker place then ever before. - Sage Kelos
  The Order of Sages was a group of powerful magic casters that followed the teaching of Heldros, a philosophy that involved using making magic to better the world and it teachings to bring elightenment and peace to the world. These sages were seen far and wide across the world and could be seen just about every part of society. But as the world changed and violence and war escalated, many of the began tio doubt their teachings and began to follow a darker path the seemed to be the truth of the world. It would eventually reveal itself as the Brotherhood of Kenos and it sought to have the world forced to follow the teachings of peace and all freedoms would be strip from them until a time when they were worthy to deserve them. But the lust for power would see the ideals be destroyed and would seek the dark arts to see supremacy over the continent. After learning of this plan the Sage Order would not allow it to happen and it would be torn apart by civil war and would be known as one the most destructive magic wars the world had ever seen.

The Conflict


No one really knows how the conflict originally started, but there was one thing the tied it all together, the destruction of the Tower of Serenity in the Republic of Creed was what escalated the conflict with some saying the brotherhood destroyed the tower to cause the Sage Order to be disorganized and leaderless since many high rank Sages were killed when the tower was destroyed or that Seria, the Grand Master of the tower was said to have confronted the brotherhoods leader, Kenos in a attempt to stop his plans and a duel ensued destroying the tower.


As soon as the brotherhood began is conquest of continent many surrounding nations quickly mobilized their forces as best as they could, but many would be destroyed when contact was made contact with the brotherhood as they targeted key military facilities across the continent and were decimated in the process. But those who manage to survive made regroup, with the Republic of Creed, Herron Combine, and the Kingdom of Grajul having some of the remaining active militaries on the continent. Mage would also be divided against one as those once called brothers and sisters were now bitter enemies. Leading to highly destructive battles and destroying entire regions.

The Engagement

Sages from all across the continent of Gerusia would battle one another as the landscape would be torn asunder by arcane blast, with many if the nations of Gerusia unable to deal with such a situation and only evacuate their towns and cities as the Sages continued their battles. But later much fighting would be center in the western regions in the Kingdom of Gragul.


Though the Dark Sages were defeated the people of the continent saw magic wielders were considered too dangerous with many being killed and imprisoned and much of their towers and other settlements. Causing a massive migration of magic users escaping persecution and death.


Sages and other born with magic would be consider monsters and criminals as much of the continent laid in ruins by the war and to find sanctuary they created the magic state known as the

Historical Significance

The war would be consider the downfall of free reign magic as it was consider to dangerous to leave unsupervised and to much liberties were to those to use it as it lead to the conflict to begin with. While most would consider the Sage Order admirable for there effort in trying to the brotherhood in their world conquest, they were consider to be at fault and responsible for letting the brotherhood to gain to much power and leading to the war. The Order would never again be formed and their teaching would never have sway over them.


All born with magic only find safety in Altria as magic would be outlawed and all born with it would face exile or imprisonment. Making more and more magic user to head to the magic state and laws on other continents world regulate the use of magic and how those who use can operate in society.

Technological Advancement

To deal with magic as it is consider highly dangerous, several types of anti-magic equipment to handle the magic threat such as Inhibitor Collars, Magic Nullification fields, Magic absorbers, and the A.M.B.A Suit.
The Remnant Coalition  
After thw war broke out the nations whos militaries survived careated a coaltion to end the magic threat once and for all
Conflict Type
Start Date
9E 7542
Ending Date
9E 7562
Conflict Result
Sage order is victorious, but it is costly


Sage Order

Led by






Stop the Dark Sage from recking havoc on the world
Brotherhood of Kenos

Led by






To show the world the errors of its ways and show them what true power can do.
Remnant Coalition

Led by


203,000 Active Troops




Stop the Sages at all cost and bring them to heel and restore order

Cover image: Mage Battle by Sandara


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