Wonder Character in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil


Like the Shield of Light, the Wonder is often depicted as a young adventurer holding a divine artifact, but is actually artifact itself. This item takes many forms, typically representative of the environment in the illustration -- a shell for the sea, a hammer at the forge, or a blade on the battlefield.   This Saint's ultimate goal is to imbue mortals with a sense of wonder, and is often attributed with feelings of hope and renewal. Its legends often revolve around the darkest times in mortal history, and the spark of light the Wonder casts into the void of despair.   Although its followers are many, the Wonder is loved most by the Explorer, who considers its bounties the true gift of any adventure.  

Blessing of the Wonder

Range: Special (See Text)
Action: None
Duration: Special (See Text)   The Blessing of the Wonder is not invoked, it simply activates when it is most needed. Among the Blessings, this is perhaps the most ill-defined, as it has never taken the same shape twice throughout history, and usually only in moments of great despair.   What is known is that an item will appear in the Blessed's hands, which will likely provide the power to push back at the tides of evil, and lock them away for years to come.   While the artifact summoned may have its own drawbacks, this ability has no negative aftereffects.
Character Art by Julie Dillon
Divine Classification
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by Julie Dillon


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