Explorer Character in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil


Once an adventurer of an ancient world, the Explorer has seen every land, sea, and sky that has been walked by a mortal. While in recent years her followers have sought out the vastness of space and the mysterious drift, the Explorer consider even the planes worthy territory, and demands that all of her followers seek new horizons.   Despite her depiction as a young woman with a mechanical leg, she is arguably one of the oldest of the Saints. She claims to have seen the death of Curchanus, and consoled her friend Desna during her grief. Although she calls the Navigator her sister, both acknowledge that the Explorer is the eldest by many ages.   She is considered good friends with the Dreamer, and sees a fellow wanderer in the Colony. While the two are equally powerful, she holds the Wonder in reverence, and claims that its work is what all her followers should seek.  

Blessing of the Explorer

Range: Single Source, Multiple Targets
Action: Standard
Duration: Instantaneous   When invoking the Blessing of the Explorer, the caster is surrounded by an ethereal map of the galaxy, which rapidly expands as this magic takes hold. The caster and all willing allies within 30 feet are immediately teleported to a random location. This can include the local area, but more typically is on the scale of distant planets, ancient colonies, or even a different plane of existence. This ability will never take the caster to a location that they have been to before, and the destination is not guaranteed to be safe to traverse.   Roll 4d100s, report the results individually to your GM, and prepare for new horizons...
Character Art by Julie Dillon.
Divine Classification
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by Julie Dillon


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