Navigator Character in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil


It is said that when the Explorer tires of wandering the cosmos, she returns home to the Navigator, and tells her sister many secrets. Fascinated by maps and charts, the Navigator records all of her sister's adventures, and keeps a detailed catalog of the beyond.   She is most-often illustrated as a women in her early twenties, surrounded by large planetariums or holding a map in a sea of stars. She is considered the Saint of old roads and civilizations, and is often worshiped by astronomers, historians, and pilots.  

Blessing of the Navigator

Range: A Single Location or Object
Action: A 24-Hour, Uninterrupted Ritual
Duration: Special (See Text)   When invoking the Blessing of the Navigator, the caster's hand glows with a faint light, and an unnatural compass reveals itself on their palm. Once the initial ritual is completed, this compass will unerringly point the caster to a specific location or object until the target is found. This includes targets on different planes, although the path suggested will likely be non-linear, and include several detours in order to arrive at the desired time and place in which the target resides. The path is guaranteed to be as efficient as possible, but not necessarily the safest.   The caster must be somewhat familiar with the target - e.g. they have seen the object in question, or at the very least know the name of the location they are searching for. Vague or misinformed queries will result in the ritual failing, but not the loss of the Blessing itself.   Targets guarded by an entity of Saint-level or higher - such as the planet Golarion - will result in the ritual immediately failing, the removal of the Blessing, and potentially some backlash from the guardian(s) of the target.
Character Art by Julie Dillon.
Divine Classification
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by Julie Dillon


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