The Shot Heard Round the Square Prose in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil

The Shot Heard Round the Square

As you pass through the courtyard, you spot a tiny, romantic nook surrounded by hedges, with flowers in full bloom surrounding a single table and two chairs. While it is empty -- Mist, you see something in those seats. But they’re not there anymore. This is a vision from the past.

We see a dapper-looking feline Ysoki resting in one of the chairs, idly munching at a fish sandwich with a side of fries. Balio seems unaware of the world around him, but Mist, you know better. You watch as an Android with blue hair and fire in his eyes steps out from between the hedges, brandishes a gun, and says:

Ricardo: “I don’t want an argument. Put your money on the table and walk away.”

The Ysoki gives his sandwich a longing look, and then puts it back down on the table.

Balio: "You can shoot if you want. I don't have any money."
Ricardo: “Don’t you fuck with me! I saw you get off that ship. It’s a Venture. Those don’t come cheap.”

The Android steps forward to press his gun at Balio’s temple. Balio shows a tight smile. In a flash, the Android’s boots make an arc towards the sky, the mugger smashes into the ground with an audible thud, and Balio twirls the gun around his finger, tucking it safely into an empty holster on his belt.

Balio: "Why don't you have a seat?"

The Android looks about for a moment, as if calculating his options, but then releases a sigh, and climbs up into the empty chair. He reaches across the table, stealing one of the Ysoki’s napkins, and dabs at the blood leaking from his split lip.

Balio: "So. Tell me why you're in the middle of broad daylight, trying to mug cute little Ysokis. What's your name?"
Ricardo: “It’s Ricardo. Ricardo Dominguez.”

The vision speeds up, and the two have a long conversation. The crowd thins as the work day ends. Balio laughs uproariously, making wild gestures accompanying grandiose stories, and -- although incredibly rare -- we see Ricardo crack a smile. But then the talk begins to wind down. Artificial night takes over on the station. The courtyard is largely abandoned, save for the unsavory types that mope about in the dark.

Ricardo: “I… I should go. Thank you for today. And for not shooting me.”

The Ysoki scoffs, looking around for anyone nearby, and then pauses. Mist, you recognize that look so well. Your brother is deciding whether to take a big step, or to throw the opportunity aside. Then he makes the decision.

Balio: "Look, Ricardo. To be honest, I'm glad we met. I have some jobs coming up, and I think you could be a big help... What do you think about coming to work with me?"
Ricardo: “I… I think I would like that very much.”

The vision muddies suddenly, the muted sun becoming true darkness. Balio coughs, raising a hand to his throat, and blood pours out from between his lips. Ricardo looks devastated at first, but then his expression fades into a cold fury, and he turns to look at you.

Ricardo (Jestyr): “Wear a mask too long, Mist, and your face will grow to fit. Did you really think you could snap back like this after a year?”

You have angered the Storm.

Ricardo (Jestyr): “No… I gave you an offer, Balio! You were supposed to kill that little mouse man, and the princess too. I even told Nakira not to kill you that day, told her to hold back. But you just… Wouldn’t. Cooperate.”

The only solution for your mistake. The Maelstrom must be summoned.

Ricardo (Jestyr): “And then you destroy my Access Beacon! Ooo, that made Maxy so very, very mad. He’s decided to revoke our Blessing. I begged him, I really did, but when he gets like this… There’s nothing I can do. Sorry kid. Good luck all on your own.”

Rain, Wind, Wild, and War.

Stepping away from the vision, all of you hear it. A gunshot splits the din of the crowd. A .50 caliber round explodes out of the end of a white sniper rifle. Mist screams as a white-bone shard materializes on his temple, glowing with runes of death and pain. A Blessing is revoked. An ill fate is brought to forefront...


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