Heart of the Jackal King Item in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil

Heart of the Jackal King

This strange ornament bears a resemblance to a planar gate, but rather than a portal, is centered with an orb of pristine blood. As described the System, the decoration resembles the art style of the Jackals in the Godswood. The item was the main reward of the Butterfly Key trial on the Rambling Road, and was given to Chamas.  

Mechanics & Inner Workings

To use the Heart of the Jackal King, a number of conditions must first be met. First, the ornament should be installed as part of an altar in a static location on the Material Plane, preferably in a place touched by darkness and attuned to the Wild Hunt. Second, the Heart must be fed the lifeblood of a helpless creature, who was hunted down and captured in a manner that was both challenging and honorable. Third, the aforementioned hunter must add their own blood to the Heart, and bond themselves to the energy of the Godswood.   Once attuned, the hunter may pray at the altar once a day, and select a specific target they consider to be their quarry. The target must possess a soul, and cannot be Undead. When in combat with the target, the hunter gains a +4 to initiative rolls and Stealth checks, and can detect what square their target is in even while invisible (either via supernatural effect or the spell). Should the target flee, the hunter has a vague idea of where they have gone — even if the target fled via magical means. If the target is killed before sunrise on the following day, the hunter may collect some of their blood and offer it to the Heart as part of their next prayer.   For every such offering given to the Jackal King, the hunter permanently increases the maximum of their HP, SP, and Sanity pools by 1.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Holder
Owning Organization


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