Disciple Character in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil


Among the followers of the Disciple, none are considered the master, and there are no leaders among the faithful. This Saint preaches that there is only more to learn, and that one should not strive for perfection -- as this is impossible -- but instead focus on continual, measurable growth.   He is often depicted as a humanoid or robotic figure surrounded by his signature red robes, supported by several sets of arms. The Disciple is loved by monks, students, and craftsman, and is considered to be the wisest Saint.   One of the Disciple's best-known stories is his loss to the Challenger, which occurred after he underestimated her during their first duel. He has never made that mistake again, and has remained victorious in all the fights that followed. He encourages his followers to meditate in the various shrines to the other Saints, and seek the true meaning of their lessons. Although he claims no favoritism, many believe the realm of the Gardener to be his favorite.  

Blessing of the Disciple

Range: Single Source, Single Target
Action: Standard (See Text)
Duration: Instantaneous   When invoking the Blessing of the Disciple, a billowing red cloak blossoms from the caster's back, and three sets of ethereal limbs follow the movements of their arms. This blessing accompanies any ability that may be activated as part of a standard action, and is empowered by the lessons of the Disciple.   As long as this action is logistically possible with the aid of magic (up to the GM's discretion), the action succeeds without the need for a die roll. In the past, this blessing has been used to shatter city gates with a single punch, deflect a siege laser with an open palm, and destroy a starship with a hurled stone.   Be forewarned, the Disciple gives nothing for free. After this impressive display of divine might, the caster falls unconscious until they can complete an uninterrupted 8 hours rest.
Character Art by Julie Dillon.
Divine Classification
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by Julie Dillon


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