Beekeeper Character in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil


Very little is known about the Beekeeper, as her followers are few and far between. She bears no connection to the locust-like Shirren or the Swarm, and seems to ignore the goddess Hylax entirely. She is considered the Saint with the lowest ambition, and is content to watch over the many beehives that spread across the universe.   The Gardener is the only known ally of the Beekeeper, as he considers her contributions crucial to much of his work.   The Beekeeper is often depicted as a plain woman, with simple robes and a beehive in her chest.  

Blessing of the Beekeeper

Range: Single Source, Single Target
Action: Standard
Duration: 1 hour   When invoking the Blessing of the Beekeeper, golden bees shroud the caster from view, and honey pours from the palms of their hands. While in this state, the caster can not see or hear the world around them, and are entranced by the buzzing of the bees.   They see the world as the Beekeeper does, through the countless multi-faceted eyes that dot the universe. This form of covert surveillance is available to the caster for one hour, where they may direct all bees in the universe as if they were the queen of the hive.   After this ability fades, the will of the hive leaves the caster, and the many thoughts it once contained. They may choose to keep three simple facts (such as the location of an item, name of an enemy, etc.) from their period of surveillance, and all others are forever forgotten.
Character Art by Julie Dillon
Current Location
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by Julie Dillon


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