Arin Geldenleaf Character in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil

Arin Geldenleaf

Arin Geldenleaf

Arin Geldenleaf was the adopted son of Maximus Erebus and Katrina Velder and a younger brother to Shishu Geldenleaf in the time of Abeir-Toril. As typical of the Geldenleaf Family, although Arin was not related to any of the other members by blood, he possessed a strange connection to the greater aspects of the Entwined Infinities, serving as the scion of the True Name of Memory (later revealed to be MUNINN).   As Arin's mortal anticipation, Cornelius was meant to realize all aspects of Memory during his Apotheosis in 318 AG, but instead sacrificed a major piece of his divine portfolio to save Isra from Crow (see S9E2: You Gotta Risk It For The Biscuit).   While Cornelius has taken his namesake and powers, this turn of events has effectively killed the entity known as Arin Geldenleaf. As revealed in Amalgam, it seems that this act has returned Memory to Bast, who is now tortured by his remembrance of all of history.
Year of Death
318 AG
Parents (Adopting)


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