Another is Chosen Prose in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil

Another is Chosen

The dream comes harshly this night, war drums pounding in the rain. We see the jungles of Castrovel, the verdant continent of Ukulam, the biological marvel of the Ikal Expanse. Trees wider than buildings, dwarfed by mushrooms as tall as skyscrapers, which rise and fall to the cadence of the war drums, dropping acidic spores as they tumble.

Men wade through the jungle -- aliens in form and spirit -- and begin to cut away the trees. Then starships, unseen in this trek of the world, hammer into the planet, dropping cultists, the fearsome, four-legged monstrosities known as Quigs, and eventually, the entropic might of Nakira Umbutu. With each beat of the drum, pillars of smoke creep up from the treeline, made all the more furious by the spore storms, and the beasts that seek advantage.

But then, on a distant star lightyears away, a noble warrior raises his blade, and calls his people to War. Nakira Umbutu is felled, just as her people felled the sacred trees, and the cultists recoil. The three tribes act as one, and the starships flee, leaving their beasts behind. Within days, the jungle repairs its surface wounds, but the virus runs deep…

The sun sets, but there is still a flame in the night. It wades through the jungle, repelling even the brave Razorback, burning the remaining Quigs like a beacon of the forest’s rage. The Haze pulls closer around them -- no, her! -- but just before we can get a clear look, the dream fades...


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