Abelina Tremont Character in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil

Abelina Tremont

Abelina Tremont

Abelina Tremont is an Alignmatist, engineer, and technomancer working under contract for the Dream Team. She is also the granddaughter of the infamous Jun Zhao, and trained for years as his apprentice.

Physical Description

Special abilities

As an Alignmatist, Abelina has a wealth of supernatural abilities unique to her and the bonds she has with her friends. A summary is given below. Unless otherwise noted, an Alignmatist ability requires the target (and their held totem) to be within 60 feet when casting.

  • War Affinity (Passive): As Abelina's Alignmatist affinity is War, she reduces the total RP cost of any ability with target "Enemies" by 1.
  • Attune (Any Totem, Standard, 2 RP): Abelina makes a connection with the target's life energy, and puts all in balance. Afterwards, for every three character levels Abelina possesses, she can force a reroll of a failed attack or save for her bonded ally, regardless of range. The connection breaks when all uses are expended, or 1 minute passes -- whichever comes first.
  • Scan (Lockette, Reaction, 1 RP): When Lockette spends a Move action to activate this ability, her spindle melts into swarming nanites, which clump on Lockette's flesh and begin to deliver rapid information from Abelina's bond. This triggers Lockette's Scan ability even when she is not in the SS Iron Drake, giving her a flash of sentience about the local battlefield. The information includes the number of visible hostiles, details about environmental hazards, any abnormal radio chatter (such as approaching law enforcement), and objects of note (e.g. set pieces, vantages points, tactical barricades, etc.).
  • Open Windows (Isra, Reaction, 1 RP): When Isra uses her Infinite Worlds ability to create an environmental effect, Abelina can intervene to change the effect, adding her energy to the mix and creating two portals -- one adjacent to Isra, and one within range of Isra's Infinite Worlds. As with other Windows, Isra can control who can interact with the portal at will (e.g. only party members can pass through, only Isra can see through, etc.). The portals last for 1d4 rounds per spell slot that Isra burned to activate Infinite Worlds.
  • Hot Swap (Tesin, Swift/Reaction, 1 RP): Abelina tugs on her connection with Tesin, and shakes up their positioning on the battlefield. As a swift action at the end of her turn, Abelina can swap places with Tesin, assuming the two are within range of each other. In addition, if either Abelina or Tesin would be hit by an attack in their square, the other member of the bond can swap places as a Reaction, and take the damage instead. When avoiding attacks this way, the damage is delivered regardless of whether the swapped-in target would have taken the damage otherwise (e.g. such as if they had DR/-).
  • King of the Jungle (Mist, Move, 1 RP): Not Unlocked -- Seems related to push and pull...
  • Sidewinder (Chad, ???, ???): Not Unlocked
  • Friend of a Friend (Any, Special, See Text): Starting at sixth level, Abelina can use any character-specific ability with another person that meets the requirements. Namely, they must bear one of Abelina's totems, and if the ability requires the use of a class ability (e.g. Open Windows) that character must be capable of using said ability. Activating a character-specific ability in this way takes the same amount of time (i.e. the same action), but costs double the Resolve Points.
  • Peel the Apple (Enemies, Standard, 1 RP/Target): Abelina pulls on the threads of the universe, targeting up to 1 creature/CL within range, and yanks on the core of their existence. Each afflicted creature takes 1d8 untyped damage per every two character levels Abelina possesses, and must make a Fortitude save (at Abelina's highest spell DC) or become Fatigued for 1 minute. Creatures who fail the save by 5 or more become Exhausted for 1 hour. Multiple castings of this ability do not progress Fatigue to Exhausted, and multiple afflictions do not stack.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Abelina was originally working as a Drift Beacon Engineer on Aballon, specifically in the city of Striving. She was giving information to Valentina Terris about strange activities going on in her workplace, theĀ Horse Eye Orbital Plate before she and her grandfather (the legendary Jun Zhao) was captured by Phoenix Avirae.

After being rescued by the Mining Team 6, Abelina decided to join on with the group, acting as their Science Officer aboard the Aga Jain, and their healer while inside Golarion.


Abelina is a certified technomancer, having graduated at the top of her class from Striving Technical University. She gained her Drift Beacon Engineering license while studying there, and received advanced training from her grandfather -- specifically in the study of Alignmatism.

Personality Characteristics


Abelina's primary motivation is innovation. She loves coming up with new things, discovering old secrets, and making them work for the betterment of the common people. Unfortunately, such research and expeditions are rarely cheap, which has manifested in Abelina's connected love for money and connections.

Likes & Dislikes

Abelina seems capable of getting along with anyone she can consider her equal, which usually implies some sort of academic competency or magical skill. She likes keeping up with modern fashion, as seen in her constantly-rotating wardrobe, especially brands that combine technology with fabric.

Of note, Abelina hates being lied to, or being forced to lie outside of life-or-death situations. This seems related to her sharp aversion to censorship, and the revocation of basic human rights.

Virtues & Personality perks

Abelina refuses to harm living creatures, including those who cause harm to others, even at the cost of her own life. Given her (unused) talent for war magic, Abelina fears that such activities will lead her down a dark path, and is unwilling to even consider the possibility. Despite this, she has no qualms about helping her friends defend themselves -- as long as they're pulling the trigger.
Artwork by Dongho Kang
Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
5th of Desnus, 286 AG
Year of Birth
286 AG 32 Years old
Current Residence
Light Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
151 lbs.
Aligned Organization


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