Karrana Settlement in The Calinan Sea | World Anvil


"History says the Veluinni built the city, history also says the city made the Veluinni what they are - but I doubt either could survive without the other now."
-a Mayokan noble commenting on the city of Arpium and its relationship to the Veluinni clan
  The city of Karrana is located in Arpium, nestled at the foot of a pass in the Vessene Mountains, on the border of the Heartlands of Arikanda. It is a strategic border city and is the traditional seat of the Veluinni clan, one of the oldest and most powerful Mayokan noble clans.


As a Mayokan territory in the Arpium region, the vast majority of the inhabitants of Karrana are Arpian Tanorites.   Due to Karrana's proximity to the border of the Heartlands, there is a considerable Heartlander presence in the city; particularly from the nearby city-state of Vessen, which has enjoyed a neighbourly friendship with the city for decades.   The religious makeup of the city is almost exclusively Elementalist, although small pockets of druidism, the Avadian pantheon and agnosticism/atheism are also present.


Officially the city is subject to the government of the Kingdom of Mayoka. In practice, the Veluinni clan are the traditional nobles and holders of Karrana and its surrounds, and are given a very free hand and as long as they provide taxes, resources and soldiers to Mayoka, are allowed to rule the city as they see fit - no doubt due to the Veluinni providing vital resources, support and shelter to Archon Isola's faction during the Mayokan Civil War. For their part, the Veluinni are generally quite liberal, preferring to rule through partnerships with influential local leaders, and cultivating a symbiotic relationship among the workers and farmers.   Banius Veluinnis, the Veluinni Prime, is the current governor of the city. The city also has a magistrate in the Council of Mayoka, Antorius Veluinnis, who currently serves as a military tribune.


As the city is built on and covers the breadth of the entrance to a pass in the Vessene Mountains, it is virtually unassailable from the west and east, forcing any approach from hostile forces to come from either the north or south. As a result, both sides of the city are heavily fortified, with multiple layers of walls subdividing the city into sections.

Industry & Trade

Due to its location in the mountains, Karrana sees a prominent mining industry, with copper deposits regularly exploited in the city. This is supplemented by their position bordering the Heartlands, giving them first pick of the tin being traded from that region, allowing them to mix and refine bronze tools and weapons. This sees a considerably influx of revenue into the city. In addition, lumber from the surrounding forests is commonly both exported in raw form and shaped into goods at workshops within the city.


Karrana dates its origins to the founding of Mayoka in 1772 DoM. It was said to have been settled by Veluinnus, one of the close companions of the Mayokan founder, Volkius. Karrana presumably began as an independent monarchy led by a king or queen, but by the end of the second millennium, it had entered into a tributary relationship with the larger and more powerful Mayoka, and eventually became a satellite territory.   During the Mayokan Civil War, the unassailability of Karrana combined with the loyalty of the Veluinni to the crown of the city made the city the primary base of operations for the exiled Prince Randarus and Princess Isola, the last remaining relatives of the late king and queen, and the de facto headquarters of the Royalist forces.

Points of interest

Like many cities in Arpium, Karrana is administered from a palace complex built atop a rocky outcrop in the centre of the city. The main granaries are located in this complex, as is the Grand Hall, where the governor administers the city and consults with dignitaries and bureaucrats.   While not in the city proper, the ancestral estate of the Veluinni clan is within a couple of hours walking distance. It is a vast stretch of farmland and estates belonging to a number of familial branches of the clan.   The city's Temple of Shokai is one of the largest and most impressive in Arikanda.


Like most cities in Arpium, Karrana is built in the Tanorite style - buildings of anywhere from one to three stories, built of stone foundations and using either adobe or limestone for walls and roofs, depending on purpose and the wealth of the residents. They are usually painted over white, pastel red/orange or beige. A local alteration includes using granite from the local mountains for some buildings.


Karrana is considerably inland in comparison to most other cities in Arpium, and is a good 400 kilometres from the coast. It is positioned directly in front of a pass between the Vessene Mountains. Most of the surrounding terrain is woodland, with access to small lakes and rivers in relatively close vicinity to the city proper.


Being in the north and being closer to the Vessene Mountains, Karrana enjoys a cooler climate than most other Mayokan cities. Summers can still be quite warm, with relatively mild autumn and spring seasons, but winters can see considerably cold temperatures and even snowfalls - an aspect rarely seen in the other cities of Mayoka closer to the sea.
Founding Date
1768 DoM
Inhabitant Demonym

Cover image: by World Anvil


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