Qittari Ethnicity in The Burning Worlds | World Anvil
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In the frigid and snow-covered expanse of Asgellion's northern tundras, the Qittari reign supreme as consummate hunters and survivalists. With their pristine white fur adorned by striking black spots, they are beautifully camouflaged amidst the snowy landscape, making them expert ambush predators. Blessed with an uncanny ability to blend seamlessly with their surroundings, they move with the utmost stealth.   The Qittari are catfolk who have adapted marvelously to their frigid domain, possessing a unique resistance to the bone-chilling cold that would send others seeking shelter. Their thick fur acts as a natural insulation, enabling them to endure even the harshest blizzards and freezing temperatures with ease. Equipped with powerful muscles and strong limbs, they traverse the frozen terrain with remarkable agility, leaping across icy crevices and scaling sheer cliffs with effortless finesse.   These hunters live in close-knit clans, fostering a sense of camaraderie and cooperation that is vital for their survival in such harsh environs. The elder Qittari pass down generations of wisdom, teaching the young ones the art of tracking, the secrets of tundra flora and fauna, and the tales of ancient Qittari heroes who thrived in this wintry land.   During their expeditions, Qittari employ their acute senses to spot distant prey and potential threats. Their keen eyesight and exceptional night vision allow them to prowl the tundra under the moon's glow, a shadowy specter beneath the stars. They hunt formidable creatures, including elusive caribou, fleet-footed hares, and even mighty bears, showing profound respect for the creatures they pursue and honoring the cycle of life that sustains them.   As masters of the hunt, the Qittari revere their ancestors, seeking guidance and blessings from the ancient spirits that are said to protect and watch over them. Their spiritual connection with nature infuses their lives with profound meaning, and they engage in sacred rituals to honor the spirits and ensure the prosperity of their clans.   In the frozen silence of the north, the Qittari sing haunting melodies that echo across the tundra. Their songs pay homage to the wild beauty of their homeland and to the enduring spirit of their people. The harmonies weave tales of valor, unity, and perseverance.   Yet, despite their prowess and resilience, the Qittari cannot ignore the ever-changing tides of fate. With the encroachment of the Caliphate of Ibra from the south and the constant challenges of survival, their way of life faces an uncertain future. Nevertheless, they continue to thrive, their spirits unwavering and their bond with the land unbreakable.
These traits are in addition to the traits of all catfolk.   Ability Scores: Wis +1   Fur: Your fur is white or gray with black spots or stripes.   Northern Resilience: You have resistance to cold damage.   Hunting Instinct: You have proficiency in the survival and stealth skills.


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