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The Burning Worlds

Welcome, Adventurers, to The Burning Worlds

  The Burning Worlds are a group of fantasy worlds that serve as the campaign settings for role-playing games (RPGs) run by Burning Tavern Games. Each of the worlds represents an alternate timeline within the Burning Worlds Universe.   The first of the worlds is Dunyawal, where the world itself is the body of the dead creation goddess of the same name. Her four parents could not agree upon her upbringing and their conflict with one another led to her demise.   Despite the state of the goddess herself, the world of Dunyawal is replete with living things, including many races of mortals, known as the Limae. From the barren steppes of Angoth to the blighted mountains of Pentar, adventure is always just around the bend for any band of swashbucklers, explorers, or heroes that hears its call.