Asgellion Geographic Location in The Burning Worlds | World Anvil
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Early History

The continent of Asgellion has a long history, storied to some and tragic to others. The first of Dunyawal's grandchildren to explore Asgellion were Goblins, but they did not arrive there on purpose. They arrived during the Age of Mourning after an event known as The Scattering, when the goblin artificer Rankleshanks created an explosion on Orr large enough to send goblins flying across the sea to what would soon become their new home.   The goblins proliferated across a continent otherwise empty of Dunyawal's other grandchildren, forming tribes that rose and fell in prominence over the years.

The Arrival of the Ibrans

The nomadic Ibran nation eventually found its way to what had become a goblin paradise. The goblin tribes attempted to expel the Ibrans in what became a war of many decades, with the Ibrans eventually claiming victory and driving the goblins into the frozen tundra in the north. The war created a cultural divide in the Ibran nation, with some content to remain in Asgellion and others determined to cling to the old ways and move on to a new land. Those who left still call themselves True Ibra, maintaining the nomadic cultural traditions of their people. Those who remained in Asgellion began building an what is now called The Caliphate of Ibra.
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