Other Species in The Bubble | World Anvil

Other Species

A brief alphabetical listing of some sapient species that fall outside the main concerns of the stories posted so far. These may gain more attention at a later date and be promoted to have their own articles, but for now this is all we know of them. It is to be presumed that over the great span of time covered in these chronicles, many others may have emerged and become extinct without ever troubling modern historians, either because they lived in regions of the galaxy remote from the Bubble (this is essentially a local history) or because they lived in ages now lost to history, or simply because they made no significant contribution to collective memory.  
Species Notes
Abragil A species which is only encountered by humanity in the far future long after the Bubble has burst (but still whilst the Society Of Contemporary Races remains active) and in a distant region of the galaxy. The Abragil are a feared warrior species and are known to have engaged in multiple wars with humanity.
Bright Ones The Bright Ones are the first known species in the galaxy to have attained interstellar travel and to have spread beyond their own star system. This happened during a period of twenty million years between a hundred and a hundred and twenty million years BCE. The Bright Ones are long extinct and no historical records have survived from that age.
Extron The Extron were the leading species in a grouping that called itself the Extron Community. This group controlled trade in the area that would later become the Bubble from about 3 to 2 million years BCE. The Extron were a hive mind, built from individuals known as On, which had little to no autonomous intelligence but collectively generated highly sophisticated patterns of thought.
Grumm A species which led an organisation known as the Grumm Movement that flourished between 8 and 7 million years BCE and seems to have controlled the region later known as the Bubble.
Kunamaka The Kunamaka, together with the Paladen are the founding species who created the Society Of Contemporary Races. They Emerged in 517890 BCE and became exinct only shortly afterwards, about 500000 BCE, due to a disasterous medical experiment.
Nothing Creatures According to the legends of the Cold Orbiters, the Nothing Creatures were a terrifying and dangerous foe which they overcame about 35 million years BCE. Their defeat marked the establishment of the Empire of the Cold Orbit which went on to dominate the galaxy for the next five million years. Believed long extinct, they were revived by the Remorseless to participate in the downfall of the Empire at the end of that period. In modern times, we know almost nothing about them.
Paladen The Paladen, together with the Kunamaka are the founding species who created the Society Of Contemporary Races. They Emerged in 529080 BCE in an age known as the Convalescece after the fall of the Asamack Response. The Paladen established the concept of Reference Point and defined the Interstellar Reference Distance (the IRD). They became exinct in about 350000 BCE, apparently due to some difficult to understand metaphysical crisis which drastically affected the birth rate.
Pthyle The Pthyle emerged in 398965 BCE and are the oldest surviving species in the Society of Contemporary Races. Since they do not travel the Bubble, humanity had no direct knowledge of them before the end of the Limitation. It was presumed that they held most influence and power within the Society and also that they were instrumental in maintaining the technology that enforced the Limitation.
Salamanican Members of the Society of Contemporary Races who emerged in 271920 BCE, after the viwodia but before the thinderin. The salamanican do not travel in the Bubble and were never seen by humanity during the Limitation, but they were known to be a powerful species refered to with respect by the thinderin and viwodia.
Tetratics The tetratics were the leading species in the Tetratic Empire, a militaristic organisation which ruled the region that would become the Bubble for three hundred thousand years from 1.1 million BCE to 800,000 BCE. The Empire was succeeded by the Asamack Response, a pan species grouping in which tetratics also played a major role. The tetratics descended from an arboreal species and somewhat resembled earthly lemur.
Xarctic Traders A species said to be travelling in the galaxy about fifteen million years ago, before reliable historical records. According to the origin stories of the Counter Xarctic Traders, they took their own name as a response to the Xarctic Traders, a name which lives on, long after the Xarctic Traders themselves are otherwise forgotten.

Cover image: Keldarchon by DMFW


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