Lia Tan Yew Leong Character in The Bubble | World Anvil

Lia Tan Yew Leong

Lia Tan Yew Leong

Lia Leong was a human agent working for the BXR as a specialist in thinderin cultural practices on the planet of Inuwarmah in 2521 when Achmed Shankar arrived. Her job was to maintain contact with the local thinderin grove which was one of a number of alien agencies monitoring the Inuwar.   She agreed to join a group of plotters led by Achmed Shankar and with Ochre Jones and Fitararye Wilson they succeeded in stopping the supply of Fly whilst also preventing massive damage to the ecosystem.   Later, Lia Leong became one of the trusted members of Achmed Shankar's inner circle before the revolution of 2533.
Year of Birth
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Lia Tan Yew Leong by DMFW
Character Portrait image: Lia Tan Yew Leong by DMFW


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