One-eyed Bill Character in The Azure Sea | World Anvil

One-eyed Bill

The Crow's Nest Tavern in Ambercove is owned by an ex-pirate known as One-eyed Bill. His name is not without merit as his left eye is white and lifeless.   The tavern, built from the decks of an old pirate caravel, is filled with thugs and lowlifes and is a rough establishment. There are normally several brawls there each evening, urged on by the appalling sea shanty band who are normally far too drunk to actually be playing.   It's rumoured that Bill used to be a shipmate of Captain Callous and is still loyal to him.  

Appearance and Mannerisms

Well muscled and burly, Bill would be handsome if not for the terrible scar running across his left eye, which is left a milky white, sightless orb. His good eye is black and beady and ravenously flicks around the place as if searching for something.   Short cropped hair and a brown mutton chop moustache frame his face, and there is something of the predator in the way he peers down his sharp nose at people.  

Notable Achievements

Bill is said to have survived an attack by smugglers back in his old pirating days. His entire crew was eaten by sharks, but somehow Bill managed to survive. Some of the locals say he ate all of the sharks in vengeance!
Year of Birth
5743 AtD 43 Years old
Current Residence
6' 0"
180 lbs

Cover image: Characters by Tyler Jacobson
Character Portrait image: One-Eyed Bill by Lucas Ferreira
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