Gulzon Scaleheart Character in The Azure Sea | World Anvil

Gulzon Scaleheart

Grand Master

Sir Gulzon Scaleheart, Grand Master of the Knights Templar of the Theocracy of the Pale, is an imposing figure. Tall, broad, well armoured and very loud and ebullient, he owns almost any room he enters.   He is also one of the most politically powerful people in the Cerulean Empire, having a seat in the Cerulean Senate.   Sir Gulzon was borne to a small clan of golden Dragonborn in the Balnoque Spine some 60 years ago. From an early age he expressed desires to journey outside of the mountains and "follow the sun to it's source in the east", or so he tells it.   Soon after he encountered the Knights Templar of the Theocracy of the Pale, and found a home amongst the goodly favoured of Pholtus. He rose quickly though the ranks, displaying a good heart alongside incredible martial skill.  

Appearance and Mannerisms

Despite his fearsome appearance, Sir Gulzon is famously boisterous and gregarious to a fault. He speaks loudly, confidently and expressively, using his whole form to emphasise his words.   He makes for a striking character. His golden scales glisten in the light, his long curved teeth sparkling when he talks, his tail lashing enthusiastically. This charismatic persona is only enhanced by the highly polished armour he wears.   Whilst generally good natured, Sir Gulzon can fall into dour moods from time to time. He brooks no wavering in matters of the faith, and will do anything to root out evil wherever he finds it.  

Notable Achievements

Sir Gulzon has rebuilt the Cathedral of Pholtus in Keymouth into one of the most impressive and best-attended churches in the city. Under his leadership the church of Pholtus has steadily grown, and it now finds favour in all parts of the Empire and beyond.
Year of Birth
5728 AtD 58 Years old
Current Residence
6' 8"
275 lbs

Cover image: Characters by Tyler Jacobson
Character Portrait image: Sir Gulzon Scaleheart by Grace Cheung


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