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Candlewax and Lamp Oil

Under Structuralist rule, candles and other forms of artificial illumination have grown in demand. Their society encourages hard work and education as means to fulfilling humanity's potential. Candles and lamps allow work and study to go beyond the limits of day time and into the darkest of night. In fact, some citizens leave candles burning at night when they're sleeping just to give the impression that they are up working.  

Tallow and Beeswax

The Effulgent Order of Chandlers, the guild that controls candlemaking in the Structuralist territory, have worked hard to expand their sources for wax.. Tallow, which is made from animal fat, was a primary ingredient for decades, but emitted a smokey flame. Working closely with the butchers in the city of Goroma, the Chandlers discovered tallow to be a cheap and abundant resource for candle wax.   Their search for a clearer burning fuel lead them to wax cultivated from bees. Beeswax was more expensive but emitted a bright flame with significantly less smoke. Chandlers experimented with combining the two ingredients hoping to strike an adequate balance between quality and affordability. These hybrid wax candles have quickly become a popular product and the demand for them continues to grow. However, the guild continue to offer candles high in tallow for the poorer customers, and pure beeswax candles reserved for the wealthy and official Church use.  


Utilizing the fishing industry out of Byssal Sound, Chandlers learned of the incredible amounts of oil found in a breed of whale not far from the coast. The guild began chartering expeditions to hunt for these whales and cultivate the oil from their bodies. One whale was able to produce hundreds of gallons of oil that could be used for candles, lamps and soaps. While this whaling industry is only in its infancy, it is already proven quite lucrative and will undoubtedly expand in the years to come.  

Influence on Hygiene

The Chandlers also handle soap which is derived form similar ingredients as candle wax. This boom in the industry has also resulted in higher supply of cheap soap that can be sold to common folk. This has resulted in a somewhat cleaner, brighter populace no longer sullied by the dirt and grime of Nature.


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