Golem Constructs Technology / Science in The Arbour Coast | World Anvil

Golem Constructs

Golems are a kind of construct, a creature created from non-living matter and animated by application of magic. The powers required to animate a golem are prodigious, and involve summoning, capturing, and binding an elemental spirit to the constructed body. This process also binds the golem to the will of its creator.   They are mindless, and thus immune to magics affecting the mind such as sleep, charm, hold, and any form of mind reading or telepathy. They must be given explicit, detailed instructions verbally, and the controller must be within 60 feet of the golem to do so. If not actively being commanded, a golem will follow the last instructions given to it until the controller returns. If such a golem is attacked, it will fight in its own defense but will usually not pursue the attackers if they flee. The controller can order the golem to follow the commands of another, but can always resume control if desired (i.e. the controller's commands always take precedence).   Employing a golem in combat is tricky as human commanders using these constructs in battle find sometimes the golem will stop following commands and become berserk. Once this happens the golem will attack any creature in range, choosing targets randomly when there are more than one. If all targets are killed or driven away the golem will move on, looking for more creatures to kill and breaking down any barrier that stands in its way if it is at all possible. It is noted that the creator of the golem (but not any other person who might have been delegated control) has had some success to calm the golem, speaking firmly to it to convince it to stop. For this reason, a list of creators are kept and golems are branded with a cooresponding insignia.   As their bodies are made of non-living matter, golems are damaged by some siege weapons or by magical weapons that can bypass the physical shell and reach the elemental within.


Crafting a golem is an intricate and arcane process that involves a delicate fusion of magical prowess and artisanal skill. The first step is the creation of a sturdy, non-living body made from materials such as clay, stone, or metal. This inanimate form serves as the vessel for the elemental spirit that will breathe life into the construct. The golemcrafter then employs potent summoning spells to call forth an elemental spirit, often drawn from the earth or related elements. Capturing and binding this spirit to the constructed body requires a profound understanding of both elemental magic and the physical properties of the chosen materials.   Once the elemental spirit is successfully bound, the golemcrafter must establish a connection between the golem and its future controller, typically the creator. This involves intricate enchantments and rituals that forge a mystical link, enabling the golem to receive and execute commands. The golem remains dormant until activated through these magical conduits.   Bronze: Bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, stands as a versatile and historically significant construction material and preferred by human artisans. Renowned for its durability, malleability, and corrosion resistance, bronze has been a staple in various civilizations throughout the ages. The alloy's composition, typically consisting of around 90% copper and 10% tin, imbues it with a lustrous golden-brown hue. Craftsmen favor bronze for its ease of casting, allowing intricate designs to be realized with precision. In construction, bronze finds application in architectural elements, sculptures, and ornamental details due to its aesthetic appeal and resistance to weathering. For this reason, the Church has commissioned some of these golems with elements of Unconquered Sol taken into consideration such as one with a golden blazing brazier atop the construct's shoulders instead of a head. This particular golem can be found in major cities in the courtyard of the Church.   A bronze golem normally is 10 feet tall and weighs about 4,500 pounds. A bronze golem cannot speak or make any vocal noise, nor does it have any distinguishable odor. It moves with a ponderous but smooth gait. Each step causes the floor to tremble unless it is on a thick, solid foundation.   Iron: Iron, a robust and widely abundant metal, plays a pivotal role in construction, providing strength and structural integrity. Extracted from iron ore and refined through smelting, iron can be alloyed with carbon to form steel, enhancing its mechanical properties. In construction applications, iron is employed in various forms, including beams, columns, and rebars, due to its exceptional load-bearing capacity. The ability to forge iron into diverse shapes and sizes makes it a cornerstone in the construction of bridges, skyscrapers, and other large-scale structures. Its resistance to corrosion can be further improved through galvanization, extending its lifespan in outdoor and marine environments. Iron's transformative role in construction has been a driving force in the development of architectural marvels and modern infrastructure.   Stone: Stone, a timeless and enduring construction material, has been employed by civilizations across the ages for its durability, strength, and aesthetic appeal. For these reasons, dwarven artisans prefer this for their golem construction. Quarried from natural deposits, various types of stone, such as granite, limestone, marble, and sandstone, offer unique qualities suited to different architectural needs. Granite, known for its hardness and resistance to weathering, is often utilized in monumental structures and sculptures. Limestone, with its softer texture, is favored for intricate carvings and façades. Marble, prized for its elegance and varied colors, finds application in both structural elements and ornamental details. Sandstone, valued for its workability, is a common choice for building blocks and decorative features.   The inherent properties of stone, including its resistance to fire, pests, and the elements, contribute to its longevity in construction. Beyond its utilitarian aspects, stone adds a sense of permanence and grandeur to structures, whether in the form of massive citadels, temples, or humble dwellings. The dwarven craftsmanship involved in working with stone, from carving intricate reliefs to precisely fitting blocks, reflects the artistry and engineering prowess of ancient and contemporary builders alike. Much of the golems crafted from this material resemble the very earth elemental that was used in the process while applying grandeur artisan elements to depict more as Thrumdor's visage at this scale would appear.   Clay: Clay, an ancient and abundant material, has been utilized in construction for millennia due to its accessibility and moldable nature. Composed of finely-grained minerals, clay possesses plasticity when moist, enabling artisans to shape it into various forms. Once dried and fired, clay transforms into a resilient and durable material, commonly known as ceramics. In construction, baked clay bricks are a fundamental building component, forming walls, arches, and pavements. The natural insulation properties of clay make it suitable for regulating temperature within structures.    

On Cultural Differences

  Dwarven golemcraft places a strong emphasis on durability and connection with their god. The dwarves, skilled miners and artisans, fashion golems that seamlessly integrate with the rocky terrain of their underground cities. The non-living body is meticulously carved from the very stone and minerals of the dwarven mines, ensuring a harmonious connection with the elemental spirits of the earth. Dwarven golems, known for their robustness, are especially effective in both defensive roles and excavation tasks. The dwarven golemcrafter's expertise lies in the mastery of earth-based magic and connection to Thrumdor, the Spine of the World, and their golems exhibit a remarkable resilience that mirrors the enduring nature of their god.   Human golemcrafters, often kingdom sanctioned magic-users and engineers working collaboratively, focus on creating golems tailored for warfare and large-scale construction projects. The non-living body is forged from metals and alloys, providing strength and resilience essential for the rigors of the battlefield. The elemental spirits summoned for human golems are chosen for their destructive potential and adaptability in siege scenarios. Human golemcrafters excel in the art of offensive magic, and their golems are designed to withstand enemy assaults while delivering devastating blows to fortifications. The magical link between the golem and its controller is finely tuned to the commands of military leaders, allowing for precise coordination in the chaos of war. Despite the inherent risks associated with berserk tendencies, the power and versatility of human siege golems make them indispensable assets in times of conflict.
Dwarven golemcraft: Centuries ago the implementation of golem technology emerged as a testament to dwarven dedication to the ancient god, Thrumdor, the Spine of the World. As the dwarven clans delved deeper into the heart of the earth in pursuit of precious metals and gems, they sought a way to fortify their subterranean realms and honor Thrumdor's divine connection to the earth itself. Guided by their most skilled runecrafters and clerics, the dwarves embarked on a monumental endeavor to merge their unparalleled craftsmanship with potent arcane energies. The vision was to create guardians imbued with the very essence of the earth, capable of defending the sacred halls and mines from any threat. To achieve this, the dwarves constructed the first golems as mighty sentinels that would stand vigil over the entrances to their underground sanctuaries.   These golems, created with an innate affinity for the earth, became revered symbols of the dwarves' connection to Thrumdor and their commitment to safeguarding the depths. Over the centuries, the dwarves refined their golemcraft, expanding its application to not only defense but also excavation and construction. The golems, animated by the spirits of the earth, stood as living monuments to the dwarves' craftsmanship, their unyielding determination, and their enduring faith in Thrumdor's blessings.   Human golemcrafters: It is a common misunderstanding that humans developed their practices from dwarven technology. However, scholars and historians point out that the discovery of golem technology was a revelation hidden within the depths of ancient ruins. As the Kingdom of Markia  expanded and developed, construction crews stumbled upon remnants of a long-forgotten era, unearthing the secrets of an advanced arcane artistry right below the city's streets. Within the buried chambers and forgotten corridors, human excavators found enigmatic inscriptions and intricate diagrams detailing the creation of golems.   Driven by insatiable curiosity and a thirst for innovation, the humans dedicated scholarly and magical resources to deciphering these ancient texts. It became evident that the golem technology, initially designed as construction tools by the previous inhabitants of the shores, held untapped potential for military applications. The original purpose of these golems seemed focused on large-scale projects, aiding in the construction of colossal structures or the carving of underground passageways underwater.   As the humans delved further into the arcane knowledge, they adapted and refined the ancient techniques to suit their evolving needs. Skilled artificers and ambitious magic-users collaborated to repurpose the once-docile construction golems into formidable weapons of war. The non-living bodies, originally crafted from materials ideal for construction, were reinforced with alloys and metals to enhance durability and strength.   Through a series of experimental summoning rituals and elemental bindings, the humans harnessed the latent power within the ancient ruins to breathe life into these newly adapted golems. The connection between the golems and their controllers was fine-tuned for swift and precise military commands. The once-silent giants became animated guardians, standing tall as protectors of the human city against external threats such as pirate attacks and monster assaults.   The evolution from construction tools to war weapons marked a turning point in human history, where the arcane arts seamlessly intertwined with military strategy. These siege golems stood as towering symbols of human ingenuity and adaptability. In times of conflict, the formidable power of these reimagined constructs was unleashed, forever changing the landscape of warfare in the human city.
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