The River Kingdom's Pantheon Organization in The Al'akyrian Realms | World Anvil

The River Kingdom's Pantheon


The River Kingdoms is home to a vast array of different deities, across numerous religions, while many pay homage to one or two, some devote themselves to many, providing prayers and in some case sacrifices to their patrons so that they may reap the rewards of the divine. Some religions are far more popular than others as are certain gods. While not every individual pays homage to a specific religion, almost everyone has a specific patron deity they pay homage to, be it one for crafts, revelry, or life, or perhaps for poison, death, and assassination.  

The Gods

The Gods are as varied as they come, with dominion over all aspects of life in The River Kingdoms, they govern justice, law, vengeance. All these gods have their place within the world.  

Shandrala, Primordial of Fire

Shandrala, Primordial of Fire, a primordial being representing the element of fire. She is depicted as a woman, made of fire with an orange-tinted blaze of hair. She is seen as a symbol of power and destruction, but also of regrowth and life. She is not a goddess that is often worshiped, instead, offerings are given to her by burning them. The method of burning usually isn't important as much the fact that a sacrifice is made in flames. Typically sacrifice is given for regrowth, rebirth, power, or perhaps destruction.   Domains:
  • Fire
  • Rebirth
  • Destruction
  • Passion

Vildrin, Primordial of Water

Vildrin, Primordial of Water is the patron of Water and is represented as a sort of 'Lady of the Lake' figure. She is depicted as a tall woman with dark hair and fair skin, usually clad in just some wet wrappings to keep her modest. She is another individual who is not really worshipped, instead, offerings to her and thrown into large bodies of water. It is said that retrieving the item afterwards removes the boon, and that stealing those items usually ends in drowning the one who defiled the offering.   Domains:
  • Water
  • Humility
  • Vengeance
  • Sailing

Darnik, Primordial of Earth

Darnik, Primordial of Earth, an imposing figure to behold. He towers over mortals, depicted with four arms and a bare chest baring many scars, holding a boulder over his head. Darnik is, to many, the patron of brawlers. He doesn't require worship, simply that you pay homage to him by holding your ground, though some do try to bury trinkets in offering to him.   Domains:
  • Earth
  • Rage
  • Body
  • Fighting

A'liva, Primordial of Air

A'liva, Primordial of Air is a small, rather slim figure. She is depicted as a Half-Elf with short white hair flittering in the breeze. Her features soft and kind like the winds that blow through the plains. Most travelers look to her for patronage. She is the only primordial who has a dedicated church of worship and even a small tradition where on the first of the month people will release lanterns to the wind to ask for fair weather and safe travels.   Domains:
  • Air
  • Travel
  • Peace
  • Serenity

Nightingale, Goddess of Shadow

Nightingale, Goddess of Shadow, Nightingale is depicted as a black-haired lady, with tattoos of snakes across her arms in paintings, in sculptures and other works of art, the snakes are instead shown as wound around her arms, coiled and ready to strike. She is the patron of thieves and assassins, all of those who preform dubious deeds. She is a patron of the night and those who would do business in it. She is worshiped under the cover of darkness, some through ruthless killing in her name, others through offering recently gained ill gotten goods in her name. She is the mask that shrouds those who do business in her name.   Domains:
  • Shadows
  • Deceit
  • Assassination

Aphite, Goddess of Love

Aphite, Goddess of Love, a beautiful sight to behold, said to hold such a dazzling beauty that both men and women alike swoon over her. She is the patron and protector of mothers. People give worship to her by offering a hearty and warm meal at their table, and also by showing love and kindness to each other. She is a simple Goddess to please, and many churches and hospitals exist throughout the land in her name, her priests leaving their door open for anyone who seeks shelter and a warm meal.   Domains:
  • Love
  • Fertility
  • Hospitality

Luster, Goddess of Revelry

Luster, Goddess of Revelry, the patron of cheers, laughs, and smiles. She is commonly associated with the sun and joys of the day. She is depicted with a sun shining bright behind her, and a smile or laughing visage. Typically people worship her and pay homage at parties and feasts. Some of which people say she regularly attends.   Domains:
  • Sun
  • Joy
  • Revelry

Martani, God of the Moon

Martani, God of the Moon, is said to be a prestigious Moon Knight, both a valorous knight and a honorable noble who fought with courage. His path to ascension was fraught with sorrow, having lived through the destruction of the Moon Knights. Even though he was the last of his kind, he still put his life on the line to save others. This unfortunately lead to his death, and to his subsequent ascension, joining the stars and protecting the moon on its journey through the sky. People worship and beseech him for safety in the night, and for good tides when the moon is full.   Domains:
  • Moon
  • Darkness
  • Protection

Jäger the Drunken Wanderer

Jäger the Drunken Wanderer, a rather dubious god who revels in a state of drunkenness. He is the patron of all adventurers and is usually depicted as a man wearing chain mail, disheveled with a mottled cloak of sorts. He is a patron of luck and friendship, and most people give thanks to him that their friends made it home over a mug of alcohol. There is no real way to worship Jäger, he seems to simply provide his blessing to those with a free spirit and a heart for adventure, though it isn't unheard of for rebellions to rise up in his name, as he is known to be a staunch defender of freedom.   Domains:
  • Adventure
  • Freedom
  • Luck

Valyria, Goddess of War

Valyria, Goddess of War, the patron of warriors, and the patron of generals. Valyria is depicted in plate armor without a helmet, waving a banner above her head with a bastard sword in her other hand. Her hair is jet black, with a sort of regal sharpness to her features. She is dubbed by many, "The Warrior Queen," though rather she had rose to divinity as a mortal or was simply given form like other gods is up to debate amongst soldiers and warrior. She is worshiped by duels, and general fighting. She cares little for the purpose behind the battle, only that it happens. She is the one who many strategists give praise to when their plans work out.   Domains:
  • War
  • Strategy
  • Conquest

Niluthur, the Archangel of Death

Niluthur, the Archangel of Death, a scion of death and decay. Niluthur is, to many, the right-hand of Reaper, though distinct in her own way. While Reaper represents death in all forms, Niluthur specifically focuses on assassination and the ceremonies around death. Niluthur to many is depicted as an angel with black wings spread out behind her, holding a scythe. She is, to many, the grim reaper and the guide of souls to their afterlife, and she is often venerated by people who handle the dead.   Domains:
  • Death
  • Assassination
  • Funeral Rites

Zarak'arktul'nokrash the Golden

Zarak'arktul'nokrash the Golden, seen as the patron of dragons, Zarak'arktul'nokrash is said to have a wingspan so wide that he blots out the sun below him. Draconic cults within the region pay veneration to him as well as any dragon willing to show them patronage. Aside from that, he rules over the skies and is a common symbol for balance, groups and orders claim to be acting in their name, smiting down the extreme evils, and sometime the extreme goods in the world all in the name of 'balance.'   Domains:
  • Dragons
  • Balance
  • Power

Azrael, King of the Heavens

Azrael, King of the Heavens, the legendary King-Consort of Jaclyn, ruling over the heavens and the celestials above. His story is one of loyalty and utter devotion to the tenants laid before him. He is depicted in full plate armor, with a radiant halo and angelic wings unfurled behind him, bearing a spear and a tower shield pointed towards the heavens. He was said to have been a paladin so pure of heart and intent that celestials came down to the heavens to serve him and make pacts and accords with him, aiding him in his quests. None, however, caught his attention and his love so much as the Queen of the Heavens herself, who it is said his love was so pure for her that she raised him to divinity to join her in the heavens.   Domains:
  • Law
  • Justice
  • Purity

Zentoram, God of Harvest

Zentoram, God of Harvest, and the one who associated with the common man and the farms, the homestead. Zentoram is, at the end of the day, the people's god. He is the one who ensures the people are taken care of and fed. Most farmers pray to Zentoram and have a large harvest festival each year where they give a portion of their crop to Zentoram to appease him and prevent a famine. However, when famine does strike, it is decided upon that he was cheated out on his portion of the crop and more is given the next year to repay him for the last crop.
  • Harvest
  • Farming
  • Nature

Jaxus, God of Honor

Jaxus, God of Honor, a minor and yet not insignificant god amongst The River Kingdoms. Jaxus represents the concept of justice itself. He is represented through a vast network of knightly orders and a small clergy of well-spoken legal clergy. Jaxus is depicted as a faceless knight, with scales in one hand and a sword in the other. While most of his followers are accepted into society as important legal representatives, there are cults, however, spread throughout the land that tend to favor Jaxus' other domain... Vengeance.   Domains:
  • Vengeance
  • Justice
  • Law

Akemedius, The Trickster God

Akemedius, The Trickster God is known by many names, "The Mad Jester" "The Laughing God" or "The Twisted Harlequin." Akemedius is the patron of all those who seek wild luck, personal freedom above all, and those of the troupes. They are depicted as a androgynous harlequin or jester of sorts, covered head to toe in the traditional trappings of the profession. Akemedius isn't worshiped per se, instead they seem to have a mind of their own, influencing the lives of mortals at seeming random, though some have theorized as to ways to gain their favor.   Domains:
  • Luck
  • Chaos
  • Festivals/Carnivals

Reaper, God of Death

Reaper, God of Death, the soul collector and he who severs the mortal coil. Reaper is depicted as a hooded figure with black angelic wings tucked close behind him, his head bowed down, obscuring any and all features. He is worshiped in ceremonies of the dead and afterlife. It is said it is he who judges each and every soul before ushering them into the afterlife. That he is the true arbiter of death, some have claimed to have beseeched him for a second chance of life and to have it granted.   Domains:
  • Death
  • Balance
  • Fate

The Archdevil

The Archdevil, a being of pure ruthlessness and hate. A bit of an improper name as the being is not a devil at all, instead, they are a demon whose sole purpose is to sow chaos, murder, and destruction across the planes. Cults rise up and praise them, offering sacrifices in exchange for power. All of them, puppets that simply bring the world closer to it's end.   Domains:
  • Evil
  • Destruction
  • Chaos

Makinya, God of Magic

Makinya, God of Magic and the architect of all things mystical and esoteric. Makinya is depicted as another more androgynous individual, hooded and robed with little to see. Shrines devoted to them exist anywhere magic users might frequent or study. Makinya is not worshiped like most other Gods, instead simple thanks and meditation is given in their name.   Domains:
  • Magic
  • Balance
  • Mystery

Jaclyn, Queen of the Heavens

Jaclyn, Queen of the Heavens, and supposed wife of Azrael, though no one knows the truth of the matter. To many, there is two sides to heaven, the warrior and militaristic side under Azrael, and the more pure, good, and peaceful side under Jaclyn. Jaclyn is represented as a motherly figure whose followers provide healing and shelter to those who need it. To many, Jaclyn is one of the patron deities of The River Kingdoms themselves, and it is said that no king or queen has ever sat on the throne without her backing.   Domains:
  • Law
  • Peace
  • Purity

The Great Devourer

The Great Devourer, an eldritch and arcane being, ancient even by the standards of the world. The maw is ever-feeding, collecting and devouring the souls of all those killed in its name. The devourer is known by many different names amongst its cults, spread out throughout The River Kingdoms. They all have different depictions of this being and often fight amongst each other, each attempting to out-do each other with great sacrifices to their patron, hoping for greater and greater gifts. Some of the strongest cults are said to have Ithil'gors that help enforce the will of The Great Devourer.   Domains:
  • Cannibalism
  • Destruction
  • Chaos


Religions within The River Kingdoms are not necessarily faiths themselves. Everyone has their own faith and ideals constructed from the numerous deific figures within the region. Instead, Religions are organizations which have a structure to them and a religious doctrine or tenants for its followers outside of the broad scope of the deities themselves.  

Cathedral of Her Divine Grace

The Cathedral of Her Divine Grace devotes most of its worship towards Jaclyn, Queen of the Heavens, and to some lesser extent, Azrael, King of the Heavens. The Cathedral dedicates itself to stability, kindness, and generosity. However, they are also willing to resort to other means to ensure that the 'Divine Will of the Lady' is ensured. This is especially seen as one of the leaders, High Priestess Xanthia formed The Kingseekers to ensure that only one blessed by Jaclyn, Queen of the Heavens would claim the throne of The Kingdom of Venithyr.  

The Knights of Jaxus

The Knights of Jaxus is very organized within The River Kingdoms. There are Chapters and Orders all throughout the region. Their main focus seems to be ensuring peace and proper justice are carried out. While they lack a direct political affiliation, they do try to ensure that tyranny is kept at bay. Oftentimes, a Knight of Jaxus will be called upon for judicial matters to act as an unbiased codex of law for any judgment. Just as well, it is not uncommon for common citizens to seek the aid of the Knights if they are feeling like they were unjustly sentenced. The Orders themselves under the Knights of Jaxus are very autonomous and keep to their own locale.  

The Joker's Circle

The Joker's Circle is an odditity amongst religions. While they pay homage to Akemedius, The Trickster God, many wonder if the religion is simply a front for the carnaval workers and cronies to exploit commonfolk or even circumnavigate laws. Regardless, those who pay heed to The Joker's Circle are known for their joyous and fun-loving attitudes. Despite the skepticism surrounding it and its esoteric and strange practice, it seems to be almost universal amongst the circus troupes that travel The River Kingdoms.  

The Twisted Path

The Twisted Path to many are the boogeymen of The River Kingdoms. Most times, when something goes wrong that cannot be explained it is considered to be their fault. While they are not well known about as a whole, they are still whispered on the lips of all natives to the region. Their actual practices mixed with rumors and hearsay.  

The Nakor'im

The Nakor'im is a fairly new faith circulating around The River Kingdoms. Its followers tend to be commonfolk and the tenants make it a very personal affair. They believe that only gods like Zentoram, God of Harvest actually pay heed to the commonfolk. While they are not spiteful or hateful of the other deities, they simply hold the belief in practicality of paying homage to those who dictate their lives instead of those who pay heed to the Kings of the land.  

The Abalishium

The Abalishium is another few faith to The River Kingdoms. However, this one focuses more on personal freedoms for everyone and has taken root mostly along the eastern coast where ideas and culture from far off lands tend to arrive first alongside their goods. The origins of The Abalishium is unknown, however, this has not stopped people from flocking to it, especially as The River Kingdoms are already seen as having many freedoms.


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