Aethis Geographic Location in The Aethi Imperium | World Anvil
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Sand. Stone. Sea. Sky.
  From orbit, this is all a traveler might see of Aethis. To the unknowing eye, from afar it looks to be little more than a dead world of jagged mountains, red- and tan-toned rocky wastes, and dark, lifeless water, cooking slowly under a fierce orange sun.

Flying lower, though, the scene turns from one of desolation... to something very, very different. What look like red and brown stony plains from far above resolve to vast forests of crimson and bronze-leafed trees along the Saeaani coast. As your aero-shuttle arcs southwest, crossing over the southernmost reaches of the Great Ocean the blazing deserts of Isaana, great shining cities among the dunes emerge over the horizon.

This is the homeworld of the Aethi, a world of mountains, deserts, plains, and auburn forests. A world shaped by thousands of years of life and death, of war and peace, of nature and technology, and now by the star-spanning reach of the hand of the Imperium.


Aethis's geography is highly varied, including essentially all land features found on planets such as Earth. Due to comparatively lower water circulation in the atmosphere and various other factors, the planet tends toward dry, arid landscapes, but nonetheless, flora-rich fields, forests and even wetlands can be found in some areas.

Fauna & Flora

Aethis does not support the sheer density of flora and fauna sometimes found on other worlds, but exhibits a great array of biodiversity. Aethi flora range from orange forest mosses and beige scrub-grass to towering crimson-leafed trees, and fauna of all shapes and sizes are present on the planet.   Due to the course of the planet's evolution, many animal species are scaly, reptile-like creatures which lay oblate, stone-like eggs. However, insectoid, often amphibious life forms with wing-fins and exoskeletons are also numerous, including the iconic kelzhaia stinging insectoid and myriad types of ulri, reminiscent of shellfish with fins. Additionally, in a remarkable instance of parallel evolution, mammals - including some that correspond with Terrestrial primates and humans - are present, having branched off from the reptiloids in the forests of southeast Saeaan millions of years ago

Natural Resources

Aethis's crust contains large amounts of iron, and the planet is relatively rich with certain exotic metals.


  • Planet Aethis
    Rough world map of Aethis.
Alternative Name(s)
Elii I
Location under
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species


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