Northgate District Settlement in The 'Verse | World Anvil

Northgate District

There are several different districts within the Eavesdown Docks, each controlled by different criminal organizations and patrolled by a different Alliance station house. In the Eavesdown Docks RP, BrowncoatWhit and her crew focus on the crowded streets of the Westgate District. Tom Beartooth and Jessa also visit the Northgate District.  

Northgate District

While most districts in and around Eavesdown Docks are chaotic, Northgate District has a special kind of chaotic order to it.   Badger's operation is nestled among the scattering of Blue Sun leasings, spacer dives and sleepovers, the trader’s guild mothballed port office, fly-by-night outfitters, and the never-reliable Honest Austin's scrapyard. In a discrete corner of the district in a rather nondescript yet not too shabby alley are a series of dumpsters where Tom Beartooth and Jessa make their home.
  • Wellington Plumbing
  • Jiang Feng Ironworks
  • Honest Austin’s scrapyard & shipyard
  • Peshwar & Son — spaceship towing and repair
He walked fast, weaving his way through the slower foot traffic and avoiding a bike-cab as he looked for clashing neon colors of the Now Want Want as his landmark. He spotted it with some relief—he was much more familiar with the Northgate side of the docks, where Badger's operation was nestled among the scattering of Blue Sun leasings, spacer dives and sleepovers, the trader’s guild mothballed port office, fly-by-night outfitters, and the never-reliable Honest Austin's scrapyard. Sully had ventured back into that familiar territory today, seeking out his favorite finder, Leroy Li Brown, who was always happy to pay for guns, with or without Alliance papers to back them. Brown had met him for drinks at Chen’s Throat Emporium—and had been particularly impressed with the KS80 Lightweight Carbon Assault Rifle Sully had had to offer. Sully and his business contact had both parted happy men, and Sully was pretty certain Captain Cooper would be pleased as well, when he handed over the thick bundle of Penglai Federal Reserve script he had earned for her.
— From “Sihnon Standard Time”
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Cover image: Firefly Verse Banner by Shaudawn


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