Detectric Profession in Thaiterra | World Anvil
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It is unseemly for a palador to hold a particular class of our people to a higher standard, but the bald truth of it is that without the detectrics, we wouldn't be here as a people. When they succeed, we live another day, and were one of them to fail at the wrong moment, it would be disaster.
  Dome Tech is one of the greatest achievements of Tholaren Dome. It protects everyone within, allows for safety from the storms and the lack of oxygen, and its transparency allows for life to continue to function even if there is some kind of disaster.   It is also incredibly fragile. Fractures, points where the storm outside or other factors cause a hole in the Dome, happen on a regular basis, to a catastrophic degree. When they happen, it is imperative to have qualified workers on hand, specializing in the repair of the dome components.   These are the detectrics.  

Forged From Nothing

  Anyone with the correct aptitudes can become a detectric, but those aptitudes are more unusual. The concept of Forging is nowhere made more use than by a detectric. It's not enough to have the correct part for the dome, which needs to be sturdy, seal the hole, and still contain the circuits necessary to enforce the shielding and also the illusion work to cover the distinct day-night cycle. Having the part is not enough; it has to be in place in an instant, and with any number of different components and sizes needed, adjustments would need to be made to almost anything.   Hence, Forging in its purest form. Taking raw elements from the Ether, reshaping them in that mental space, and then summoning to this world in exactly the right form is an incredibly precise science.    

To Hold the Breaking Point

  A detectric's job is to maintain and replace pieces of the dome as necessary, and to effect emergency repairs during a fracture. This puts them in direct line of fire, literally when concerning the lightning storms outside. They are meant to work quickly and broadly, being equally capable of fixing minor breaks and filling in massive holes.   Despite this rather dire element of their work, most detectrics spend the majority of their work hours within a workshop, honing their skills and crafting replacement parts and tools to be prepared for emergencies. It's difficult to craft whole pieces of the dome, since they never know if they'll need complete pieces or specific and precisely shaped portions of a segment.


Career Progression

Detectrics have essentially two stages to their careers: training, and being fully qualified. A few people might be appointed as supervisors of varying degrees, but there aren't many of these because detectrics operate on a largely individual basis. The large difference between careers usually includes a difference in specialization, with each one developing a repertoire of specific schematics that are then applied to a series of very specific circumstances.

Payment & Reimbursement

They receive a slightly higher than standard salary, because their work is highly skilled and also very risky to perform. Most detectrics are shifted to another career by the time they reach their forties, to avoid strain leading to mistakes.


Social Status

It's a highly respected profession, but not one that anyone would seek out, due to the heavily demanding nature of the job. To be chosen as one is an honor, but also a source of stress for most. There's no embarrassment in declining to take on the role, or to take it only to burn out in short order.   They're viewed as noble, albeit somewhat isolated members of the population.


Not including the peripheral bureaucrats required to keep the detectrics organized, they are approximately 1.5% of the population, usually slightly under 200 operating in any given year. Most would like this number to be more like 300 for safety's sake, but this number represents the people who are capable of performing the job and is considered adequate.


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