Forging Physical / Metaphysical Law in Thaiterra | World Anvil
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Forging is the term used to describe the human ability to draw items from a state of Ether into reality. It can also be known as drafting, or summoning, depending on the context, but the most usual term is forging.   The idea of summoning is the simplest concept. With concentration, and the right level of access, a person can pull something out of Ether into reality. This item was placed into the Ether fully intact, and it is withdrawn in the same state.   A more advanced concept is drafting, which is when the person in question actually imagines the item within their mind, mentally creating it, and then pulling that item out of the Ether. This requires the raw materials to be present in the first place within the Ether and in the level of accessibility that the person has. It also requires technical knowledge, although the appropriate Insignium will grant a certain ease to the action, essentially providing the blueprint for the item.   It is worth noting that these actions can only be performed within an appropriate range of the Dome.
Metaphysical, Psychic


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