Mind Energy Physical / Metaphysical Law in Terria | World Anvil

Mind Energy

"Behind you, Auril!" roared Arthur over the sound of battle. The brief turn toward his comrade proved to be a mistake. A single stray sword-blade appeared in his field of vision, hurtling over the head of a crouching soldier and menacingly approaching Arthur's flank.
"Get out of the way!", Mauro's voice rang out like a thunderclap, causing Arthur to jerk to the side. His brother's axe hurtled almost like a meteorite from above and met the sword blade halfway. The enemy, a short-grown man with black hair, half of whose face was covered in blood, yelped as the sword was violently forced from his hand and shattered into its debris while still in the air.
With a gasp for air, Arthur caught himself again and regained his focus. His eyes met a dagger on the enemy's belt while his thoughts sorted themselves out. His senses wandered toward his skull, directly to the threads of his mind that circled in frantically excited orbits. Like two lengthening invisible fingers, he began to stretch out the threads, at first only a few centimeters, then faster beyond a meter.
Time had been short, he had only been able to take five threads, which purposefully found their way under Mauro's arm and reached the enemy soldier. With all his strength, like an act of physical effort, he heaved the dagger out of its sheath and flung it up with all his might. Surprise marked the enemy's face as his own hand reached into the void where he thought the dagger was, then horror as his own blade struck and pierced his neck. A sickening and gurgling rattle escaped the man's throat before Mauro stepped up and let his axe drive against his chest in a precise and swift motion.

Damn, too little power, way too little power. The thought instantly vanished from Arthur's mind again as he noticed a new enemy approaching him from the side.

Besides life energy, mind energy forms another of the energies. It is found mainly in the brain of living beings and is the energy that forms the spirit or, depending on the point of view, the mind. Spirit energy, along with the soul and the body, forms the three part of what can be called consciousness.

Frequency range
Known users
Mind energy
500 - 1500
491 atnA.
Arthur Albrath
William Diggle
Olwig Grim

Metaphysical, Psychic

Generic article | Feb 23, 2024
List of contents
Generic article | Feb 23, 2024

1. general

If one first looks at mind energy from a neutral point of view, it appears to be a simple bundling of energy residing in the various brain regions and forming the rational factor of consciousness. In reality, the concept of mind energy is considerably more complicated and can be compared to astral energy. Just like this, mind energy has primarily the ability to move through the boundaries of the astraverse. In this sense, it functions as a link between the soul, which exists in the outer planes of the Astravirium, and the body, which walks on the central planes.
It is precisely here that the conceptual notion of mind energy as threads moving invisibly through the boundaries of the astraverse and linking soul and body arises. These threads are divided into two categories, soul threads and physical threads. Soul threads originate from the soul, pass through the astraverse and attach to the body. Physical threads, on the other hand, originate from the body, pass through the astraverse and attach themselves to the soul. The particular side that is "attached" can be detached by certain influences and also consciously, and the differences between the results make this division relevant. Beyond that, however, they have an identical structure in terms of structural and activating energy. Moreover, mind energy, even if it is 99% present in the brain, always fills the whole body with a thin layer of energy. This layer, unlike life energy, does not move through the body like a wave, but remains basically still. Sending impressions to the brain or moving a hand merely causes the energy to tremble momentarily.
The concept of mind threads describes living beings as having a total of 100 threads, at least in the case of humans. 50 of these threads emanate from and are anchored to the body, while the other 50 emanate from and are anchored to the soul. In reality, it is only one thick "yarn" of mind energy per direction that corresponds to this idea. Only the active use of mind energy pulls out individual smaller threads, with the division into 50 corresponding to the point at which the human mind would potentially suffer irreparable damage.

2. structural mind energy

Just as with other energies, the structural aspect of mind energy can be thought of as a collection of bubbles, which in this case performs two tasks. On one hand, it establishes the bond between the soul and the body, thus passing through the astraverse. The connection through the structural mind energy is permanent here. What is described as adhesion or detachment of the spirit energy is, strictly speaking, only the movement of the activating spirit energy within the pathways established by the structural spirit energy. Moreover, the two accumulations of structural mind energy in the brain and the soul are responsible for producing new activating mind energy and spreading it evenly through the structural energy. As long as a being is awake, the structural spirit energy loses stability through the production of activating spirit energy. Only through rest can structural mind energy be regenerated.

3. activating mind energy

While structural mind energy tends to form the pathways in which consciousness moves, activating mind energy forms consciousness itself. Usually, activating mind energy spreads evenly along the entire length of structural energy, both as a bridge connecting soul and body and within body and soul. Thus, consciousness forms as the flow and movement of activating spirit energy. Any form of activity in the awake state consumes the mind energy before the structural energy replenishes it. However, activating mind energy becomes particularly interesting in states such as sleep.

It may at first seem not only abstract, but especially frightening, to hear that one's consciousness is nothing more than the movement of a specific energy that turns from the outer edges of the astraverse into one's own organism, traces its paths, and is subsequently shot back into distant energetic worlds. Admittedly, I understand the rejection of this thought. What the conscious life form may perceive as free will, in which it seeks a meaning, is now no more than a biological-energetic movement. However, what is really special about this realization is not the loss of identity that some fear in it, but the potential. Mental illnesses, mental disorders, all just deformed currents of mind energy, which can be forced back into proper channels with the right means.
— Dorimius Wallmehr, supreme teacher of the high academies of Cartus, 780 atnA.

4. free mind energy

Free mind energy forms an extraordinary form of free energy, for although it also acts in large quantities on the central levels of the astraverse, its free energy is not discharged on these, but instead flows into the spirit world, the next level of the astraverse. Here it forms the foundation for the entire plane and generates not only environment but also living beings from itself. In this realm, the semi-physical existence of mind energy also takes hold, which will be discussed in a later chapter.

5. frequency

Mind energy is closest to life energy within its frequency, but in the positive range. Thus, it vibrates within the ranges of 500 to 1500. This means the frequency of spirit energy is high enough that it can never actually cause mutations. However, this increased frequency means that it is even more susceptible to mutations caused by nature energy or demonic energy than life energy is.

6. sleep

As mentioned earlier, the state of sleep is a distinctly interesting period for the behavior of mind energy. During this time, the constructs of structual energy within body and soul are emptied in a sense so that they can use the otherwise produced activating energy to repair themselves. The activating spirit energy, however, must clear large parts of the otherwise busy areas for this. By default, the most massive portions of mind energy are clustered in the soul and body, while only small masses are found within the connecting tubes. However, when sleep occurs, all of the mind energy is forced into these tubes so that body and soul can regenerate. These tubes serve here as a bridge through the astraverse, which is why the now liberated spirit is also kept in the astraverse, more precisely in the spirit world, or the spirit plane. To make it even more precise, the dream path is found there, where sleeping spirits are kept.

Basically, it can be imagined as a system of two chambers, in the left chamber stands a person holding a thick rope spun from 50 threads, which represents the body. In the right chamber stands another person with an identical rope of 50 threads, symbolizing the soul. At the birth, both persons approach the wall and hand each other one end of their rope through a hole in the wall. The other person receives the end and makes a thick knot in it so that both ropes will not fit through the hole at the same time. Over the course of hours, the arms of both people holding the ropes become weak and eventually they fall asleep and let go of the ropes the other person handed them because they only have the strength to hold their own rope. Both ropes are now pulled into the wall at the same time, collide and plug the hole. This hole now forms the dream world in which the spirit is safely kept until body and soul could recover
— Fundamentals of mind energy, 866 atnA.

7. risks in sleep

The fact that the mind as a bundled entity dwells in the outer regions of the astraverse means that it can be correspondingly altered and influenced by external forces. For this purpose, there are certain protective mechanisms of the spirit against such influences. Should any form of influence threaten the mind, it can, in a fraction of a blink of an eye, redistribute itself over the entire length of the structural energy, thus reducing the effect to a tiny fraction of itself. Most living beings experience a sensation of falling at such a moment and will startle up from sleep. There are very few known cases where the mind could actually suffer damage in a dream, however it is not completely impossible.

8. rationality and tripartition

Fundamentally, within the construct of body, soul, and spirit, we speak of a tripartition. The soul houses the emotional side of the personality, the mind the rational and reasonable side, and the body the instinct. This is partially true, as large portions of these aspects are stored within each respective piece of consciousness. Nevertheless, the soul also harbors some rationality and instinct, just as the mind is marginally emotional and instinct-driven. Since the spirit serves as the "glue" between the soul and the body, it is unclear exactly what would happen should the spirit be completely removed from the equation. Most theories assume a degeneration of the living being into a bestial form of primal instinct that would manifest, others simply assume a form of death of consciousness that would leave only basic bodily functions.

9. Enablers

The enablers who exercise control over mind energy are called oracles. The term derives from scholars of early times who acted as counselors and leaders. The adoption of the title is an allusion to an extraordinary ability said to be possessed by some oracles. Supposedly, their increased connection to mind energy leads them to understand and order the turmoil and chaos of the world in order to read the future from it. For this reason, mind energy enablers are also used as advisors to worldly leaders.

10. tymidian-mutation

The tymidian mutation of mind energy, which produces oracles, does not distribute the structure of the tymidian within the entire body, but stretches the uvula in fine paths throughout the brain. In this process, every last corner of the brain is traversed by the fine veins. This distribution of the tymidian in the brain regions, without touching the rest of the body, results in the ability to manipulate mind energy mostly without movement, making mind energy the most difficult force to detect. The tymidian-mutation of this type cannot be induced in any known way, but is an innate ability that does not appear to be based on either biological or energetic factors.

Summary of the first phase of the twin study / Stimulation of energetic potential by mutation of the tymidian in the fetal state / 531 female subjects, with confirmed twin pregnancies / Difficulty in selectively exposing one embryo / Mortality rate of both embryos at about 45% / All enriched children show slight restructuring of the tymidian, which their twins do not possess / 3 of 291 surviving children have the full mutation / 1 of 531 surviving non-enriched children have the full mutation
— Report of unknown origin that found its way to the public

11. discovery

Both enablers who were capable of manipulating mind energy and spirits themselves depict a long-known truth on Terria. However, after the fundamental discovery of energies as such, it took a surprisingly long time for mind energy to be recognized as a separate entity. It was not until the discovery of clearly delineated astral energy that the division between life energy and mind energy was clarified. Before that, mind energy was assumed not to be an energy of its own, but a highly frequented form of life energy that was necessary for the transmission of information within the brain. Only in the year 491 atnA. the mind energy was declared and recognized as its own kind of energy.

12. spirits and incorporeal

Another aspect of mind energy, which can be partially attributed to free mind energy, lies in the existence of beings that consist exclusively of mind energy and do not carry any life energy within them. The form of such beings is called semi-physical existence and occurs in such extreme form exclusively within the mind energy and the astral energy. Basically the mixing ratio of energy and matter is relevant for this. Within the central level of the astraverse the mixing ratio is 50/50. Within the spirit world directly above the central levels already a portion of matter of 10% is enough to produce existence. At the same time, mind energy on this level functions, so to speak, as the life energy of the central level. Free spirit energy thus penetrates from the central level to the level of the spirit and since there is never free matter there, it constantly forms enough matter from itself to bind the current amount of energy. Sometimes this new existence becomes the foundation of the plane, other times living beings form from it, so-called spirit beings. Once they have become existent in this way, they can survive in this form even within the central planes, because in a sense they take on a bond with the spirit plane itself, which replicates the bond of body and soul.

13. death

The process of death, as well as the act of dying, are closely interwoven with the functions of mind energy. Basically, a process similar to that which occurs during sleep is set in motion, but it primarily involves the structural aspects of the energy. At the moment of physical death, consciousness leaves one's own body, and not infrequently those who have returned from this threshold report out-of-body experiences, glimpses of their dead body as they slowly ascended, and indeed the process taking place can probably be perceived in exactly this way. At the moment of death, the structural mind energy that was previously flowing out of the body loses its hold and begins to leave it. Only a few seconds later the escaping mind energy collides with the spirit veil. Here it binds itself to this as a new anchor and thus the consciousness is drawn into the spirit world, where the own spirit manifests itself. Usually it doesn't take long to notice a spirit that has just crossed over to the other side and one of the grim reapers takes care of it. These beings roam the spirit world, collecting the deceased and leading them to the outer levels of the astraverse into the demon path. However, the deceased may refuse to follow these beings and accordingly cannot be forced to do so. This occasionally happens when a spirit cannot fully detach itself from its earthly life and looks back on its existence with resentment or regret.

14. life after death

Once delivery by the grim reapers has been turned down, it is very rare for a spirit to be visited by them a second time. Instead, they begin a new existence in the spirit world. From the moment of crossing over, a process is set in motion that affects the structure of the mind energy itself. With each passing moment, the spirit of a dead person grows stronger, it can look through the veil to the world of the living, and this prospect of life further strengthens their powers and resentment. However, at the same time as this growth, consciousness also fades away; only regret is exempt from this decay. Gradually, therefore, nothing more remains of the spirit than the desire to come back to life to correct its regrets. If the power of the mind energy grows far enough, a spirit will eventually gain the ability to act through the veil again. At first, they may only be able to send short messages, rattle windows, or knock over objects, but over time they eventually gain the ability to cross back over as a whole entity. However, this state is almost never reached as long as the consciousness is still intact, so what reaches the world of the living is a being full of hatred and destructiveness.
The oracles seemingly act as a sort of compensation for those spirits who choose not to make their transition into the demon path. They can tame out-of-control spirits, push them back behind the veil, and even exterminate them in a pinch. Experienced oracles can even summon the grim reapers to ask them a second time to take a spirit with them. In such cases, they work to correct spirits' regrets and regrets by sharing his own powers with them, giving them moments of clarity. Their natural connection to mind energy theoretically allows them to dwell in the spirit world for a very long time, however, nearly all oracles manage to escape regret and turn contentedly to the afterlife.

15. table of contents: energies



Author's Notes

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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