Glossary in Terria | World Anvil


Alchemy: The art and science of using life energy to create certain alchemistic products through transmutation. Within alchemy the life energy of plants, animals and beasts are combined by using certain alchemistic tool.

Astral energy: Astral energy is one of the energies working within the Astraverse of Terria. It serves as the most basic structure of the universe, creating things like gravity. It however also seperates the different planes of the Astraverse and can open up pathways between them.

Astraverse: The Astraverse describes the concept of multiple realms of reality that lie upon one another. Energies and matter traverse these different planes and converge upon the central planes where the planet of Terria lies.

Bound Energy: Bound energy describes a state that energies can assume. In this state energy is bound to physical matter. On the central planes the ratio is 50/50 for matter on energy. This however differs on other planes.

Enablers: Enablers are all beings that are capable of willingly manipulating any form of supernatural power, including energies and the arcane.

Energetic manipulation: The ability to manipulate energies, an expansion of the basic ability to perceive energies.

Energetic perception: The ability to perceive energies through the mutated tymidian, a specific area of the brain, responsible for perceiving supernatural powers.

Energies: Within the world of Terria all of existence consists of two parts. Physical matter and energies. There are multiple of these energies which serve different purposes within the Astraverse.

Damarin core: The damarin core is part of most AMTs and consists of a raffined piece of damarin. It stores life energy and upon the impact of the hammerhead releases the energy.

Free Energy: Free energy describes a state that energies can assume. In this state energy is not bound to physical matter and as such is subject to constant decay. Energy can attempt to bind itself to matter in order to assume a more safe state.

Hammerhead: The hammerhead is a part of most AMTs and is used to apply force to a damarin core. As a result the core unleashes the pent-up life energy and the weapon is activated.

Lost Ones: The Lost Ones were are race of beings that followed the Envoys as the representives of the worldcycle in the fourth age. Not much is known about them or their ruling over the world, they however were the creators of magic and somehow must have been responsible for the wiping and the awakening.

Mutations: Mutations describe a process that happens once free energy has managed to bind to an object. In such a case the mutation potential of the energy is compared to the mutation resistance of the object. Depending on the energy such mutations can result in disfigurement of the object, however it might also grant access to this specific energy.

Terria: Terria serves both as the name of the planet Terria as well as the Astraverse of Terria, which consists of multiple planes und paths upon these planes.

Tymidian: The tymidian is a region in the brain that is responsible for the perception of energies. In its natural state it is not bigger than a hazelnut, after mutation however it starts to grow and connects itself with the entire nervous system. It will also bind to one specific of the five senses that going forward can be used to perceive energies.

Worldcycle: The worldcycle is a concept that forms the basis for the divison into the five ages. Within the worldcycle there are always two kinds of species chosen to fight over supremacy, with either one side ripping apart the other or both of them destoryed within their battles.


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