Life energy Physical / Metaphysical Law in Terria | World Anvil

Life energy

"I just don't understand why it's so incredibly hard," Auril cursed before angrily kicking one of the pebbles under her through the air. It sailed just past Miss Merina's ear and hit one of the carefully tended plants grown in the patch behind her. For a moment, the young elf's anger settled and gave way to fear of her teacher's reaction. The older lady snorted, shook her head, and closed the book before placing it on the bench beside her.
"I explained it to you, didn't I?", Merina began to recite in her melodic yet strangely monotone singsong, "Combat alchemy is arguably the most difficult manipulation of life energy. It's not just about harnessing your energy like a new muscle like the Energetics, or using your emotions as a weapon like the Aurarians. Your powers require you not only to feel the energy that permeates you, but also to feel the energy of your surroundings, and beyond that, to structure your thoughts enough to imagine the change in your environment. Beyond that."
She paused for a brief moment as she bridged the remaining distance between herself and Auril and knelt beside her. Her hands rested on the solid, stone floor before she continued, "you're a lot closer to making it than you think. I see the energy between your fingers vibrating with intensity. You're barely missing more than a little flick before you succeed." The muscles of her free upper arms tensed as she braced her hands even more forcefully against the ground, almost as if she were trying to displace the earth itself. In a split second, Auril saw fine green lines, almost like lightning bolts, light up between her fingers, spreading in a circular area around them both. The structure of the earth itself changed in a split second, far too fast to react. Auril's shoes had sunk into the mud up to the straps before she was able to catch herself and regain solid ground beneath her with a wide leap.

Life energy is arguably the most important energy on Terria. As long as something is on the central planes, there are very few circumstances in which a being can exist without life energy. Life Energy, fundamentally speaking, forms the basis for all living matter, from humans to elves to trees, shrubs, and even the elements. Because of its all-encompassing presence, it is relevant to many aspects of the modern world, and professions such as alchemy have developed from knowledge of it.


life energy

frequency: -500 - 500

enablers: energeticists / combat alchemists / aurarian

discovery: 42 atnA.

known users:
Auril Emen
Mauro Holm Albrath
Caipos Dhuren
Krobat Partis

Generic article | Feb 23, 2024
List of contents
Generic article | Feb 23, 2024

1. general

Life energy forms the most important force on Terria, or at least on the central planes. In its most basic function, it shapes nearly every form of tangible matter, or more precisely, every matter requires some amount of life energy to persist. Life energy also possesses an extraordinary cohesiveness with matter. More than any other energy yet, life energy interacts extremely strongly with the physical matter to which it is bound. This interaction is so immense that the physical body and the energetic body can almost be imagined as mirror images of each other, which is where the name of the mirror image principle comes from, coined by Ely Tares. Here both
sides influence each other equally. If you cut a wound in the physical body with a knife, an identical wound would appear on the energetic body in the mirror. But the same is also true vice versa. Should a knife of pure energy cut the energetic body, an identical wound would open on the physical body. However, this principle applies not only to wounds, but also to extensions of the body. One of the most famous examples of this is the option to change the shape of body parts. A finger can be lengthened by a centimeter or hair can grow meter long in one stroke. However, this is already the point where the manipulation of the life energy becomes complicated and a clear distinction must be made between the structural energy and the activating energy. In order to carry out such extensions of the body, it always needs structural energy, which forms the mirror image of the body. This in turn can be produced from activating energy and should make clear that even such simple techniques are beyond the scope of this field. Thus, to get back to the really relevant basics of life energy, one more thing should be said. Even if the body is damaged by injury or

Honestly, I've never been a fan of numerical representation, far too complex for the simplistic masses to grasp. That's not to say that the mirror image principle came about as a childish rebellion against complexity. In fact, I don't think the two conceptions of life energy are really separable. Rather, they are probably the same principle viewed from a different angle, and we don't yet understand how to align our view so that we can unite the two to see the whole truth.
— Ely Tares
extensions, both its energetic and physical form possess a natural state. Both energy and matter strive to recapture this supposed state, which is why our limbs heal and extended hair breaks off seemingly at random. However, bodies are also designed to change and so with every injury and every change a small residue remains. If such residues accumulate long enough, they also begin to affect the true form of the body until it begins to change.

2. structural life energy

. The structural aspect of life energy forms an extraordinary structure in which a distinction must be made between the bodies of animate and inanimate things. Basically, however, it can be said that the structural life energy exactly replicates the physical body as a mirror image. Furthermore, animate bodies have special accumulations of structural life energy in their energetic structure. These special accumulations are called sources. In contrast to the rest of the
structural life energy, these bubbles have the function of producing and distributing new activating life energy throughout the body. They do so by extracting nutrients and resources from the physical body and transforming them into energy. They distribute the energy gained in this way in waves starting from themselves and thus supply surrounding structural energy with activating energy. In contrast to this, the energetic bodies of inanimate objects consist exclusively of these sources. Their sources, however, are filled not only with activating life energy, but also with activating nature energy.
different species of animate life forms possess different amounts of life sources, with humans normally consisting of 8 of such sources. In general it can be said, that the bigger the body more sources are contained within it. Beyond this certain life forms are capable of willingly manipulating life energy, such beings also possess a higher amount of life energy.

3. activating life energy

As previously explained, sourceshold the function of producing new activating life energy. Once produced, these sources release the produced energy to surrounding structural life energy. If they are still filled, they in turn release the energy to other structures. thos movement of life energy is known as the waves. Thus, various lines are formed across the body where the individual waves collide. The structural energies at these lines are called dams and have an increased capacity to accumulate life energy. They store excess life energy and distribute it to depleted structural cells should they not be adequately supplied by the sources. In addition, however, the dams can also hold only a limited amount of life energy and repel the amounts they cannot hold. At this, a layer of life energy forms on the skin, which is called the shore.

The idea that the shore is merely a kind of by-product of other energetic-organic processes is a widespread misconception. With the recent findings about the influences of external energies on our bodies, it should be apparent that the shore is not excess material, but a natural shield, against external influences of which we were previously unaware. Basically, it also makes sense, if expelled, the energy would not form a fine film on the skin, but would randomly emerge from our bodies in streams."
— Korai Hauster

4. free life energy

Free life energy has an insanely short time before its degenerative process decomposes it. However, life energy is so extensively available that absolutely everything is constantly exposed to a large amount of free life energy. The largest amount of this free life energy is repelled by animate beings and binds to inanimate matter. However, life energy has almost no potential for mutation and even after binding, life energy is mostly transformed and adapted to the energy of the new body without producing mutations. In very rare cases, free life energy can assume sufficiently massive masses and bind fast enough for mutations to occur in inanimate matter. The best known form of this mutation is akoros, a metal that can serve as a catalyst for life energy.

5. frequency

Since life energy is probably the most essential energy on Terria, it is also treated as the central energy in terms of frequencies. Thus within the frequency theory life energy was assigned the range -500 to 500. Thus, the frequency of life Energy is found both below and above the defined 0 point. Due to its frequency, it is particularly susceptible to mutations caused by natural energy, demon energy and magical energy.

6. numerical representation

Numerical representation forms a spiritual countermovement to the mirror image principle. It finds far less practical application within the direct manipulations of life energy, but is mostly used in the field of alchemy. Here, the life energy in the body is not seen as an image of the physical body, but instead as an almost endless string of numbers. Each number on this number chain represents a different characteristic of the corresponding being. The earlier a number is placed in this sequence of numbers, the more significant and comprehensive is the corresponding property it represents. For example, in the example of a human body, a 1 in the first position would define "human", while a 3 in the seventh position would define blue eyes. Alchemists have developed ways to extract so-called essences, sequences of life energy as it were, and recombine them with each other to produce alchemical products.

7. enablers

Within those who can manipulate life energy, there are three different types, the energeticists, the combat alchemists, and the aurarians. They all have basically the same tymidian mutation, but in addition experience a different change within the structural life energy of their bodies.

8. tymidian mutation

Tymidian mutations for life energy control occurs naturally in very few life forms, but can be deliberately induced. For this to occur, enough foreign life energy must enter one's tymidian and force it to mutate. Several problems stand in the way of this process. First of all, the free life energy must be able to penetrate into the brain, so the problem of similar frequency must be overcome. For this purpose, there are explicit techniques in which the energy enters the body as bound energy and only afterwards becomes free, which, however, requires masterful control over one's own life energy from the person who wants to transform another into an enabler. It is considerably easier to considerably weaken the recipient's body and deprive it of its energy to the point where its shore collapses and its energetic density becomes extremely slack. At this point, identical frequency energies can also infiltrate the body and are concentrated in high doses on the brain. This process is called appropriation. In nature, thanks to beings that can control their life energy, there may occasionally be assaults that awaken the powers of life energy in the survivors, although such cases are rare.

The infusion of life energy into a human body for the purpose of appropriation is a medical procedure that comes with corresponding risks. In its non-mutated state, the tymidian is smaller than a peanut and surrounded by other brain regions and other sensitive tissue. The procedure must be performed under the best possible conditions and outstanding accuracy. In addition, the energetic structure of the recipient is largely responsible for the success of the procedure. Some respond quickly, without much risk. Others require long-term treatment over several sessions. The longer the total duration of treatment, the riskier it becomes. After 4 hours of treatment, the risk of death for the patient is already 10 percent, and after another 4 hours, it is already 35 percent. If the treatment time exceeds 12 hours, the patient will lose his life with a 95 percent chance."
— Introductory Guide to the awakening of energetic Powers, 249 atnA.

9. essences

In a sense, an essence describes the basis of a thing, and in the case of life energy, this essence includes the entirety or partial section of the energetic body. Both the mirror image principle and the numerical representation use the term essence, although slightly differently. Within the numerical representation, an essence can be thought of as a part of the sequence of numbers, or even a single number. To stay with the previous example, the 3 in the seventh position, representing the blue eye, would form the essence of a blue eye in its isolated form. The concept of essence is applied only when physical and energetic bodies are separate and is used especially in alchemy.

10. discovery

Life energy, together with magical energy, forms the first two energies discovered by humanity. Here the circumstance of the magic upheaval should be addressed, which took place 42 nBnZ. Before this time in the second human liberation war, the powers of the mages were significantly reduced. Prior to this unexplained event, no modern form of sensing other energies existed, even though it might have been possible with control over other energies. With this first sighting of energies, however, mankind quickly became aware of forces other than magic. The life energy, after all the force that represents the majority of all existence, became a main target of their research and soon it was used as a weapon in battle and the first principles of alchemy were addressed and applied.

11. table of contents: energy



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