Skilled Tasks Profession in Terraia | World Anvil
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Skilled Tasks


Skilled Tasks are a new variety of 'secondary skills'. They are actually single application skills - a single task that has been mastered. For example, the ability to tie a bow tie would be classified as a Skilled Task. It is a specialised single use skill that has very few if any cross over uses into other areas.  

Game Mechanics

A Skilled Task can be taken and trained up in through manuals, tutors or in some cases through witnessing the performance of the task. They are then rolled against using D20 - with success meaning it is thought to be successful until it is tested in some way.  

Number of Skilled Tasks

A player may choose to sacrifice one Secondary Skill Slot and in it's place receive 2 + 1D4 Skilled Tasks. This allows the player to gain between 3 and 6 Skilled Tasks per slot given up.  

Learning the Skill

In some cases the skills can only be learned from masters or trainers in the various guilds - in other cases individuals may impart the learning if the character spends time with them learning the task - this is in most cases 5D10 turns minus the character's language number learnable through their intelligence score. So if a Character with 18 Int throws 5D10 he minuses 8 from the total - a 0 or negative number means they are a natural and pick up the skill nearly instantly after having witnessed it.



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