Cult of Geryon Organization in Terraia | World Anvil
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Cult of Geryon


The Cult of Geryon is a highly organized (Lawful Evil) group of Followers of the Arch-Devil Geryon. They are dedicated to the return of Geryon to his rightful rule over this part of Atlantis. The Group consists of the remnants of Minotaurs, Orothus' Spawn, and Priests who followed Geryon during his time on the physical realm.

Geryon Followers



The Minotaurs of the Maze of Geryon are the remnants of the Maze (Group) that followed and served Geryon during his original rule. In pursuing Hercules, thousands of Minotaurs were lost - the remnants now remain in this part Atlantis to prepare for his return. The Minotaur act as Geryon's Infantry, and are rumored to actually be descended from the Cattle of Geryon that Hercules rustled.


Orthus Pups

  Despite being called Pups, these two headed hellfire dogs are giant nephews and nieces of Cerberus. They are the sons and daughters of the original Orthus Dog of Geryon's Herdsman, and serve as the Guard-dogs of the Cult.

Geryon's Priests

  Priests of Geryon wear red or dark red garments and snake shaped jewels of the same color. They are focused on hunting just like their 'god'. The priests will often dye their hair red also as a sign of their devotion.


A red bloody bull head.

Founding Date
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
The Horn Hunters
Leader Title
Controlled Territories


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