Costermonger Guild Organization in Terraia | World Anvil
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Costermonger Guild


The Costermonger Guild sells all fruit and vegetables. Originally they were the Mongers (Traders) of Costard Variety Apples but soon traded in all Apples and ultimately all vegetables and fruits. They were not able to take over all foods - the Fleshmonger Butchers were too well armed for that to happen.

They are mobile hand cart or donkey cart based and move about in each town and city selling their food. They know every street and alley of a town' Fresh fruit and Vegetables are sold on a daily basis. The needs of adventurers include vegetables that need to be preserved or dried in order to last through the rough adventuring environment and still be edible.


Each Costermonger is a notable character, having a particular chant - 'Yes love we have no bananas!' and a very colorful nature. They are often semi-trained rogues and bards who have great skill in knife and emptyhand combat, however many also have thin rapiers among their produce.   Costermongers are not liked by city watch and guards - they are not respectful of the law - and it is known that the Costermongers often act as lookouts for the Rogues and Assassins in the area.  

Notable Uniform

Every Coster will wear a Kingsman. The Kingsman is a scarf around the neck. The most common colors are red and yellow (or orange). No Costermonger will allow his scarf to be taken from him - and it is valued above all other clothing and money he has. The scarf will be tied around the waist in battle.   The Costermongers intentionally use the same armorials as the Ennobled Order of Costers to make fun of it and undermine it.  



Membership Benefits

  The Kingsman is a magical item that has two effects: 1. It can increase the volume of the voice and charisma (+1), 2. It allows for the sending of single sentence messages to other wearers of a Kingsman every 2 rounds. This allows Kingsman wearers to stay in constant 'telepathic' connection, about their whereabouts and inform others of what is happening. This makes Costermongers the best lookouts in the business. They can be hired at a rate of 60 gp/hour to monitor an area and will give their accomplices Temporary Kingsmen which will operate for up to 6 hours before becoming ordinary scarves.



The lowest rank in the guild - they scavenge in the sewers, and are also called Sewerhunters.  


Lost boys and pickpockets. They often develop high levels of pickpocketing and hiding in shadows but little else. If they make it to the next Guild rank, they're a Costermonger for life.


  These are muggers or thieves with saps/coshes. This is the rank that dodgers move to or to Snakesmen.   Snakesmen Climbing masters. This level of Costermongry takes the would be rogue up to houses rather than people.  


  Good with fixing stolen goods and selling them. Many Costermongers selling their fruit are actually Fences and able to sell or buy items from a rogue.  

Upright Men

  are the highest rank of the Costermonger Guild. They have expertise in planning heists but also develop the other rogue skills not yet mastered in the earlier sections of the guild.


The Costermongers are the trainers and recuiters of the Thieves Guilds throughout the Atlantean Continent. They float as an unofficial part of the Thieves Guild - paying over dues and cuts in every take that is performed, but all are not formally trained by the Thieves Guild until they have reached the rank of Upright Men, then they can 'walk' into the Thieves Guild as level one Rogues.

Public Agenda

Colorful characters who sell fruit and vegetables to the locals. Individuals who know the ins and outs of the whole town but who never interfere.


A network of handcarts, donkey carts and fresh produce that threads its way through every town and city in the Atlantean Continent.

Do you want a bag

Founding Date
Guild, Merchant
Alternative Names
Leader Title


Costermongers supply the raw recruits that make up the Thieves Guilds new membership.


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