Chandler & Ships Chandlery Guild Organization in Terraia | World Anvil
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Chandler & Ships Chandlery Guild


The Chandlery is not just a place for light sources and candles - although these are the specialised items of the store, but it is also the provider of most items needed for boats and ships.

Light Sources

Candle, Tallow 1cp
Candle, Wax 1sp
Torches 1cp
Tinder Box, (Flint and Steel)1gp

Lantern Types

Bullseye 12gp
Hooded 8 gp

Oil, Flask of 1gp

Boats & Ships

Barge /Raft (small) 50gp
Boat, small 75gp
Boat, long 150gp
Galley, Large 25,000gp
Galley. small 10,000gp
Ship, merchant, Large 15,000gp
Ship, merchant, small 5,000gp
Ship, War 20,000 gp

Marine Equipment Listing


Sail and Sail Making

Needles for sewing 2sp
Sail-cloth, per yard 2gp

Chemicals and Oils - for waterproofing and repair

Resin, 1 flask 3gp
Turpentine,   1flask 5gp
Tar/Pitch, 1 flask 3gp
Linseed oil, 1 flask 9gp
Varnish, 1 flask 1gp


Twine 25' (7.5 m) 3sp
Rope 50' (15m) 4sp
Rope, hemp 50' (15m) 1gp
Anchor Chain 100' (30m) 40gp


Anchor 100gp
Hatchet 1gp
Axe, 2gp
Hammer 1gp
Chisel (3 per set) 5 gp
Wood planes(2 per set) 3gp
Nails (100) 1gp
Spike 1cp
Boat hook (same as spear in damage) 4gp
Caulking iron 2gp
Hand pump 2gp
Marlinspike 3sp


  Broom 1cp
Mop 1 sp


Standard Guild Structure
Founding Date
Guild, Professional
Alternative Names
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles


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