Celestial Empyrians Species in Terraia | World Anvil
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Celestial Empyrians


This species is specifically the Holy Offspring of the major Gods and are in nature capable of becoming Gods or Demi-gods should they so choose to pursue the quests needed to achieve that status.


The children of the Greater Gods of the Olympian Pantheon have offspring who have super-natural abilities. The most well-known are the three types of off-spring of Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. They are commonly called Celestials. The Children of Zeus are Emelectrian (Light and Electricity Based), those of Hades are Emskaion (Preservation and Shade Based), and Poseidon's offspring are Emhydrian (Water and Motion Based).

Emelectrians/Electrians (Light and Fire)

  An Emelectrian is descended from the Lights of Success that Zeus emanates. The Elven race as a whole is said to be part-Emelectrian in their nature and this allows for their increased life expectancy, and affinity for lightning magic.


An Emelectrian has a single braid of electiricity in their hair that emits the same light as a torch - it crackles with an electric white and purple light. It cannot combust anything but if visible clearly denotes the Empyrians birthright.


Emskaions / Skaions (Shade and Death)

  An Emskaion is descended from the Underworld Energies of Hades which include forces of preservation, although Hades is often seen as death, his true role in the Universe is that of preservation - he maintains the spirits of the dead and their living memories long after their bodies have decayed and disintegrated. The Dwarves, despite their links to Poseidon, Athena and even Hephaestus, are considered by some sages to be, at least in part, Emskaion in nature. This is said to be the reason for their extended lifespan and resistance to harmful magics and poisons.


An Emskaion has a single braid of shimmering shadow in their hair that emits a black light of low light (less than a candle). It cannot combust anything but if visible clearly denotes the Emskaion's birthright.


Emhydrians/ Hydrians (Water and Movement)

An Emhydrian is descended from the forces that move the Earth - namely gravity, water, and earthquakes. (By extension large beasts such as Elephants, Cattle and Horses who cause the earth to shake when they move are a part of this force of motion).


An Emhydrian has a single braid of blue-shimmer in their hair that emits the same light as a torch - it makes no noise but is light blue in light color. It cannot combust anything but if visible clearly denotes the Emhydrians birthright.

Cultural Standing

All Empyrians are referred to as Lords or even Celestials - much like the Elven community and are accorded the same level of deference and respect as that race - but even more so - due to their Human connection to Poseidon and the other gods directly. Some Empyrians cut their hair to remove the sign of it for a short time but most simply braid it up under their hair, or use it as torch light when they need it.

  This is specifically the Holy Offspring of Poseidon. All Royal offspring in Atlantis are Emhydrian Humans, and have the potential to become Gods or Demi-gods should they so choose to pursue the quests needed to achieve that status. Atlanteans have an extended lifespan in some cases being nearly immortal. All commoners and other races normally refer to these potential demi-gods as Empyrians, not making much of a distinction between them.

  Emelectrians develop the following abilities as they gain in levels (if aware of their background):
Level 1 Feather fall (3/day use, wearer only)
Level 3 Resist energy (electricity) (2/day use, wearer only)
Level 5 Gust of wind (twice per day)

  Emskaions develop the following abilities as they gain levels:
Level 1 Meld into stone (2/day use, wearer only)
Level 3 Protection from Negative Energy (twice per week)
Level 5 Command Undead/Turn Undead as Cleric at -4 levels (twice per day)

  The Emhydrians develop the following abilities as they gain levels.
  Level 3 Water walk (3/day use)
Level 5 Create water 2/day use)
Level 7 Water breathing (1/week use)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Celestial Emhydrian
Divine Offspring of A God
Geographic Distribution


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