Bridge-Castellan Rank/Title in Terraia | World Anvil
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The Bridge Castellan is also known as the Bridgewarden.   


In response to ongoing invasions from the Barbarians, the Argolid Commonwealth established the Rank of Castellan. This has been duplicated in other nations and kingdoms, but was expanded to include the keepers of other key points in infrastructure - a key part of which are Bridges. Hence a Bridge Castellan. The Bridge in such situations must be of key strategic importance and be as much a castle as it is a bridge. The Bridge Castellan is an appointed position often held by a noble - but not always. They are trusted to manage the structure in exchange for noble rights and the right to gain taxes from any in the area or garner a toll should they choose to charge for the crossing of the bridge.


Hereditary after the first generation. Gifted for service to the Argolid Commonwealth.


Must maintain the building put into their care.


Granted by the Argolid King
Nobility, Military
Form of Address
Alternative Naming
Bridging Lord
Equates to
Count · Countess · Earl · Graf · Castellan ·
Source of Authority
The Argolid Commonwealth
Length of Term
for life
Reports directly to
Related Locations


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