The Scietti Republic is a small independent nation of elven refugees that broke off from their kelta kin nearly 2000 years ago. Since then, they have remained a reserved and official neutral actor in post diplomatic affairs. Despite their small size, the Scietti have been able to leverage their affinity for knowledge, education, and expertise to form powerful trade agreements and alliances with powerful nations, both before and after the fall of the Turathi. Despite these developments, the Sciettish have remained a conservative and risk-averse society, and has a people have struggled to advance their interests beyond their isolation. For this reason, many of the more ambitious Sciettish seek their destiny away from their homeland.
If the Eleiri of Quel'ta are victims of rejection, than those of Scietti are doubly so. Once kin to the Quel'ta, the Scietti trace their origin back to those clans who refused to reject their faith in Mysra and the gods. In a furor, the tribes of Quel'ta sought to unleash their hatred and vengence upon the faithful, and unleashed atrocity after atrocity upon them throughout their families. Those that survived escaped to the southern islands, and eventually - peace settled. Since that time, the Sciettish flourished more than any might have imagined. Now, the Scietti stand as an influential player on the world's stage, a leader in diplomacy, industry, and science. Above all, though, the Scietti remain faithful to their religious roots, and seek to ensure they never again suffer at the hands of the superstitious or ignorant.
The Scietti people are descended from the ancestral elves native to the western Kreata peninsula. After a great civil war nearly two millennia, a small schism of elves was forced into diaspora, and created a new home on the southern island of Sci-ta. These elves were the first Sciettish.
Sometimes called High Elves, the Sciettish are renown for their advancement of knowledge, diplomacy, and trade. Despite their small territory and population, they have managed to be a signature influence on the world stage. This has translated into a broad understanding of the world that is imbued in many Sciettish, and quiet determination and reverence for the search for truth and knowledge.
Geopolitical, Republic
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Civic Summary
Size: Very SmallMajor Cities: 1
Density: Very High
Infrastructure: Very High
Climate: Temperate Forest & HillsWilderness: 45%
Wild Animals: Common
Natural Resources: Scarce
Sea/Ocean: Island (Halien Sea)
Mountains: One
Disasters: Storms/High Winds
Urban: 75%Rural: 25%
Literacy: 85%
Immigration: 5%
Sex Ratio: .7 male(s)/female
Fertility: 1.3 children/family
Life Expectancy: 97.5 years
Highly Values: IntelligenceKnown For: Education
Popular Entertainment: Music
Respected Profession: Scholar
Discrimination: Intelligence-Based
Major Taboo: Displays of Affection
Major Social Ill: Infidelity
Structure: Democratic-RepublicInfluenced by: Representitives
Popular Issue: Foreign Relations
Stability: Very Good
Personal Freedoms: Many
Scandals: Some
Foreign Relations: Good
Main Export: InformationMain Import: Food Crops
Main Resource: Paper
Trade Balance: Slight Deficit
Strength: Good
Wealth: Relatively Distributed
Size: SmallFocus: Light Infantry
Main Units: Bladesingers/Duskblades
Soldiers: Volunteer
Promotion: By Merit
Type: PolythesiticFocus: Personal Enlighttenment
Worship: Scripture Reading
Associated Art Form: Calligraphy
Prevalence: Believed by Most
Holidays: Several
Occurrence: CommonPrimary Source: Study
Major Use: Defense
Perceived as: Respectable