
Euremyer is the first and foremost among the petty kingdoms, and has claim to the largest territory in Kreata. More importantly, much of that territory is fertile, and as such Euremyer is the defacto largest political entity. If that weren’t enough, the former imperial capital city of Regnum lies on its southwestern region. While the Exarch does not rule from the former seat of power, it is within their zone of influence and under their control.   The current Exarch of Euremyer is Lycaon Anthis, and his family rules Euremyer with ruthless efficiency. After the fall, Lycaon’s ancestors held one of the most secure farmlands in the region, and had taken to ‘cultivating’ their farmers' families in such a way that protected them from much of the civil war in the immediate aftermath. When the dust settled, House Anthis possessed a wealth of resources in food stores, and was able to leverage their reserves to hire soldiers, buy land, and most importantly, buy the loyalty of many of the displaced commoners from the empire.   Yet, this generosity did not come without cost. House Anthis has never been known for their hospitality or kindness, and the individuals that have often accepted serfdom and servitude for safety have few kind words to say about their noble rulers, their scythes, or their inquisitors. However, the one unifying truth is has kept Lycaon and his family in power is their honor. Their word has been ironclad, and they almost never enter into agreements that don’t benefit them, but they have remained above suspicion of deception from most other kingdoms.  

Eurmyerian Peerage

Of the eight kingdoms, only Euremyer and Alkandra robust and healthy noble peerages, born from the ancestral patrician families of the empire. In Euremyer, this peerage is lead by four Ducal Soverigns known as the Court of Seasons. Each Duke (or Duchess) the largest demses in the continent. Between their collective vassal lands, incomes, and available military levies, the Court of Seasons each wield power and influence enough to rival nearly any other single kingdom. Officially, House Anthis, under Lycian, also holds the title Archduke, with his duchy being relatively equal size located within central Euremyer.   Graves are appointed by their ducal lords, and are responsible for governing major provinces of a duchy. These titles are often appended with a descriptor of the type of land the noble is responsible (i.e. Margrave, Angrave, Burgrave, etc). They have the ability to collect taxes, adjudicate crimes of lesser nobility, and conscript levies.   Count (or Countess) occupy the middling ranks within the Eurmyerian Peerage. Eurmyerian counts are the most ambigious of all turathi nobility, in the sense that their title tells you little of their influence or authority. Eurmyerian counts can be granted the title under the vassalage of a Duke OR directly under the authority of the King. Furthermore, while count traditionally refers to landed lord, the title could also be granted (without land) to notable knights, advisors, or other loyal individuals as an honorific for services rendered. It is also used as the title for the eldest heir of a either a Duke or Grave, respectively.   Thanes serve as the primary administrators of counties and vassals under the fealty of a Grave. The title of Thane is not inherited, but rather bestowed by a Grave or a Duke upon a Baron, elevating them above their peers, and tasked with additional responsibilities. A Thane usually presides over two or more fiefs (led by Barons), and serve as the primary judicial court for any appeals from local peers and commoners. Barons do not technically owe direct fealty to their Thane, but rather their grave. However, Thanes often have de facto authority over barons as a result of their reputation and general networks.   Barons (or Baroness) occupy the lowest rank within the Eurmyerian Peerage. Barons enjoy the privilege of owning hereditary land (and may pass their title to their heirs), are able to collect rents and taxes from that land. Most importantly, Barons are able to still participate in the Grand Council, and are provided some input into the general governance of the kingdom, though the overall power of the council is small by any comparison. The title of Baron may also be granted as an honorific to the heir of a landed Count.        

Prominent & Influential Persons

Royal Family  
Lycian Anthis
Archduke of Caelum &
King of Euremyer
Anaëlle Anthis
Queen Consort
Leon Anthis
Prince and Heir
Daedalus Rahmer
First Scythe
Castellan of Harvest Keep
Exarch's Council  
Samir Kidane
Lord Chancellor
Jérémie Goeminne
Grand Marshal
Pieter LeVrain
High Inquisitor
Taylan Yasemin Bechet
Ateia Caeciliana
Prime Minister
Viceroy of Camenant
Court of Seasons  
Spyro Anthis
Duke of Crescere
Garridan Wesseldine
Duke of Colligo
Ivan Cozma
(Former) Duke of Cicero
Itheas Agani
Ducal Regent of Cicero
Jenica Osmochescu
Duchess of Calor

Eurmyerian Military

The Eurmyerian Military are regarded as one of the largest, and most well-organized forces in the continent. While the Thelen's may boast the most well-trained and experienced soldiers, the armies of Euremyer are well supported by a foundation of supplies and general logistical administration.   The more recent development in Euremyer has been the adoption of a standing army as a replacement for the traditional vassal armies. Known as the Copperjacks, soldiers are conscripted from all lands, trained, and swear fealty directly to the King, rather than their vassal lords.   A project of house Anthis, the creation of the Copperjacks has been the single biggest project over the last three generations, and serve as the primary means of centralizing the throne's authority. While many lords have resisted the creation of, as they call it, the Barley Army, The Copperjacks have been utilized in securing many of the disperate lands on Euremyer's southern and eastern fronts much more efficiently than any single lord has been able to manage.

Honor, Order, and Justice

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories

Articles under Euremyer


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